Category: Politics

  • Meet Your New Mayor – Bill Peduto’s Excellent Adventure @ Manor Theater –  Mon. 11/11

    Meet Your New Mayor – Bill Peduto’s Excellent Adventure @ Manor Theater – Mon. 11/11

    English: Flag of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Ima...
    English: Flag of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Image created by uploader based on and image at the North American Vexillological Association web site and other images on the web. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

    Last Tuesday, we went to the ballot box and Bill Peduto was ellected to be the next mayor of Pittsburgh.  One of the reasons why I think Peduto is a great choice for Pittsburgh is the amount of time he spends studying other cities .

    I  have personally had the opportunity to learn about cities that are similar to Pittsburgh through GLUE (the Great Lakes Urban Exchange).  GLUE was founded by a Pittsburgh native and a Detroit native with the purpose of bringing together folks from rust-belt cities, cities that are all struggling with similar post-industrial revolution problems.  I’ve attended GLUE conferences in Buffalo, Milwaukee and Pittsburgh and had the opportunity to learn about how other cities are tackling problems that Pittsburgh is also trying to deal with.  [Some of the GLUE supporters continue to share articles and ideas on the GLUE Facebook page here.  We are working to put together a future GLUE conference – keep an eye on the GLUE Facebook page for details]. (more…)

  • Make your own political cartoons and campaign buttons at the Warhol's Cartoon Factory

    This weekend the Warhol Museum opens a new exhibit called the Cartoon Factory that has got a few of my favoirte things.  I love the warhol because you can screen print things there and this new exhibit gives you a chance to make your own political cartoons or campaign buttons.

    Cartoon Factory 2008: Scaring Up the Vote
    November 1- 2, 10am-5pm
    brought to you by: Warhol Musuem and the ToonSeum

    • Create your own political cartoons, buttons and t-shirts
    • Pittsburgh Post-Gazette and nationally Syndicated cartoonist Rob Rogers will be there too
    • Completed cartoons will be displayed at the museum until Nov. 9.

    h/t to PopCityMedia

  • Barackwurst or Hillbasa – both are delicious choices

    Franktuary is getting into the political spirit. With the primary election just a little over 2 weeks away, Franktuary has cooked up a poll of their own. The Sausage Poll – from now until election day – Franktuary is offering 2 special items:

    • Barackwurst – featuring an array of patriotic condiments, is a half-link of bratwurst and a half-link of knockwurst that have come together to support one common cause.
    • Hillbasa – prepared with nearly identical condiments, is a full kielbasa link served with a mandated side of Bill pickles.

    They are keeping a tally of which item is ordered more on the website – the tally is updated daily. So far the Barackwurst is in the lead but it is anyone’s race. Stop by Franktuary to literally eat your vote.

    Click here to see the post about the Sausage Poll on the Tribune Review political blog.

  • Politcal Game Night

    With just 4 weeks left until the 2008 Primary, Pittsburgh has become a hot bed of political events.  Pittsburgh is also home to the the oldest continuous independent democratic club in the US.  Saturday night is their annual event – this year it is political game night.  Great trivia and I guarantee you will see some of your favorite elected officials there for the fun.

    The 14th Ward Independent Democratic Club Presents Political Game Night

    Saturday March 29th, 7:00 pm
    Schenley Park Skating Rink

    Test your political savvy with original adaptations of your favorite game shows: Jeopardy! Wheel of Fortune! Who Wants to Be a Millionaire!

    Featuring: Chris Moore (KDKA radio and WQED television talk show host) and Allen Kukovich (member of the Pennsylvania house and senate for 27 years).

    Games start at 8:00 pm.

    $15 in advance ($20 at the door).

    Are you too young to be President? Tickets just $10 for those under 35 and for students and limited income.

    Visit for more info


    The last day to register to Vote before the Primary Election is MARCH 24, 2008.

    PRIMARY ELECTION DAY – April 22, 2008

    Not sure if you are registered? Want to change your party affiliation?

    Just send in a voter registration form