Category Archives: Outdoors

Jingle Your Bells – The 2006 Jingle Bell Run To Benefit The Arthritis Foundation

tmnt This is your chance to jingle, jangle, jingle. No, wait, that’s spurs. This would be the jingling sound made by the traditional Christmas Jingle Bell, the kind me Mum had on the back of the front door when I was a teenager so that she could hear what time I got in at night. Well ok, morning, really. The thing is, though, I mean, I knew they were there, right? So I got really good at opening that door in such as way as to make the absolute least amount of noise. Think ninja here, is what I’m saying.

jingle_bell_runWhere was I? Oh, right. The 2006 Jingle Bell Run/Walk takes place this year on December 2nd at 10 a.m., and the starting line is the North park Lodge. The main event is a 5k run/walk, and there’s also a 1 mile “fun run”, although usually the only fun run I do is a beer run. Whichever one you do, you get a jingle bell to attach to your person, wherever you want./p>

(To my regular reader(s): This is a respectable event, so please, attach it somewhere tasteful. You know… Like your shoelace, or your lapel, or your hat. Not on your “bathing suit area”, if you know what I mean. And I know you do.)

arthritis_foundationBut you can show up in a holiday-themed costume, and that’s actually encouraged. The idea is to have fun while raising the money for the Arthritis Foundation, a truly deserving cause. And hey, everybody who raises 100 bucks gets entered into a drawing for two free round tip tickets on Delta Airlines. If you win, allow me to make a suggestion – Vegas, late February, for two reasons: 1.) It’s warmer there than here at that time, and it’ll be a good mid-winter getaway, and 2.) I think that’s when I’m going and we could get all liquored up on the Strip. I mean, they know how to treat you in vegas – they got showgirls, they got Wayne Newton…

The 2006 Jingle Bell Run/Walk gets the way-ahead-of-time post to give you all a chance to get your sponsors lined up, raise some money, and figure out your costume. I’d suggest getting eight friends together and doing a Santa and the eight reindeer bit, and running the whole thing in formation.

Git Aht! – Things To Do This Weekend

This week’s Special Edition:

The Sienna Miller To-Do List

sienna_millerSo, Sienna’s having some problems finding things to do while she’s in town filming “Mysteries Of Pittsburgh“, thinks that there’s nothing to do for a girl her age in Pittsburgh. Or as she calls it, in a Rolling Stone interview, “Shitsburgh”.

(I’m not sure of the spelling on that. Should it be two “T”s? Whatever, I know the “H” is supposed to be on the end for sure.)

messApparently, she’s spending all her time, Cheney-like, holed up in in an undisclosed location, specifically, a somewhat unkempt and disheveled hotel room, occasionally popping down to the hotel bar for a smoke and a drink. Not that that’s a bad thing, really, but it does get old after a while, so I understand.

Look, we’ve all been there, any type of work trip, you’re looking for something to do, right?

So Sienna, I’m volunteering to take you out for a night. We’ll find something to do, whatever night of the week it may be. I understand you work a lot of nights, so if necessary, I’ll take a day off, we’ll jaunt around, hopefully get a nice sunny day, take a walk, get some ice cream or something. Strictly platonic, of course, I know you and Jude have rekindled the romance, and that’s great, I mean, for the kids and all.

I don’t think you really hate it here. Or perhaps you do, but I think it’s because you just don’t know what’s going on.

Baby doll, hit me up with the electronic mail at and we’ll set something up. In the meantime, here’s a list of thing to do today, tomorrow, and Sunday. Try any of ’em, Sienna. Chances are you’ll have more fun than hanging out in the room, watching TV. Besides, you’re used to the BBC, and comparitively, our TV sucks over here, with the notable exception of Pimp My Ride. That show rocks the hizzy, so to speak.

Friday, October 6
Live Music At The Quiet Storm, 9:00 p.m., The Quiet Storm Cafe, Friendship
I’ve never heard of any of these acts, but they’re included for one simple reason: they have awesome names. Anita Fix? Pimps Up Hoedown? Safety Grenade? Winner. You get mentioned.

Sienna, The Quiet Storm is a vegetarian joint, and even though Dilbert doesn’t think we have them, they do exist. It’s a bit of a hipster hangout, so the smoking section may be full. We may have to pop outside for a smoko. No worries though, the weather’s supposed to be fair, a bit chilly, but we’ll bundle up. And I know, you’re travelling, may have left some things at home, so if you need to borrow a jacket or a hoodie, let me know.

Moonsplash On The Mon, 6:00 p.m. South Side Riverfront Park, 18th Street, On the River. (Duh.)
Sponsored by the Friends of the Riverfront, which kinda sounds like a political movement, and in a way it is, I guess. This is a big fund-raiser for the group that protects and restores the riverfronts. Food and wine provided, and music includes Ambient electro-acoustic world music by Life in Balance and the Steel Drum and Reggae sounds of Ras Prophet. There will also be a photography exhibition by Git Aht favorite Renee Rosensteel.

marylynnTickets are a bit pricey at 50 bucks a pop (35 for members, but either way you can cover that out of your per diem, Sienna, and if you can’t then you need new representation), but this is the type of gig that might get you into the Seen column, and that’s always been a dream of mine since I was a lad. (Note: I don’t know if they’ll actually be there, but it’s their type of gig…) But Uricchio just doesn’t want to have anything to do with me, for some reason. Perhaps I should send a box of fine hand-made chocolates to the PG, maybe some flowers. Sienna, we could take a trip to the Strip district, go to Pittsburgh Cut Flowers, and you could help me pick these out. You strike me as the type of person who would have an eye for that sort of thing. I like that.

(Thanks to the fine folks at The Dish for passing this one along.)

Partisan Project 2006, 7:00 p.m., 5151Penn Gallery, 5151 Penn Ave. (Again with the duh.)
And now, a real political party. The Partisan Project is an art exhibition that “the work of designers and artists using their time and talent to help bring about political change.” Now, let’s all get together and guess which party this represents based on one of the sample images from the web site…

If you guessed Whig, you’re wrong, but possibly only slightly, depending on how things roll out next month. Regardless, this is the opening reception, which, as we all know, means food and beverages will be provided, music will be played, and, at least here at 5151Penn, a poetry reading. I’m not sure which side of the political fence you’re on, Sienna, but whichever side it may be, this could be fun and thought-provoking. I’m not saying it’ll snap you out of your funk, but it might help.

Saturday, October 7
Head Of The Ohio, 9:00 a.m., Riverfront Park, North Shore Side
hoto Sienna, perhaps we’ve crossed oars at Henley, eh? Oh, perhaps I’m thinking of someone else. This seems to be the kind of thing you’d enjoy though, as 4,000 rowers converge on our three rivers to participate in one of the largest single-day regattas in the country. Activites beyond just rowing abound, but the main thing here is to watch the rowers, umm, y’know, row. You can take advantage of watching the race from the deck of the Steward Ship where you can “sample sumptuous food and drink while cheering the competitors across the finish line”. No word on whether that sumptuous food will include pierogies or not, but do try to sample one during your stay. Just make sure they’re made by a little old lady that looks, if so motivated, like she could kick your ass and not think twice about it. Like my grandmother. Hoo-ee, one time she beat six kinds of hell out of me with my own shoe, I was bruised for a week, but I did deserve it, after all, rotten kid. Good times, good times…

Scott Hunter, Recent Paintings 6:00 p.m., Planet Art Gallery, Mount Lebanon
Heard about this one here the other day and figured it could use another mention. Planet Art’s a neat space and all, but, well… I’m not familiar at all with Hunter. I mean, the few paintings that I’ve seen online appear to be good, but what do I know? I like dogs playing poker, after all. If it were up to me, though, all art from here forward would consist of various representations of you, Sienna. You got that look I dig the mostest.

Bill Cosby 7:00 and 9:30 p.m., Heinz Hall, Dahntahn
I’m pretty sure I can still recite the album “Himself” word for word. Somewhere along the way, though, Bill started doing a lot of social commentary, so I’m really not sure whether this’ll be a comedy gig or if he’s going to opine. Either way, it is Bill Cosby and that’s pretty much worth it.

And you practically know him, Sienna, since your co-star in “Mysteries” Nick Nolte appeared on the 1976 Emmy Awards with Alan Alda, who worked with Bill in California Suite. I mean, just based on that he’d probably invite us back stage where we could enjoy a pudding pop and a coke. And you say there’s no fun here.

Sunday, October 9
RADical Days at The Warhol, 10:00 a.m., The Warhol, North Shore Side
Ok, I know you’ve been to The Warhol before, back when you were researching the Sedgwick role for the Warhol flick, but hey, you couldn’t possibly have seen it all, right? And because of the Regional Asset District program of making a whole slew o’ cultural events and museums free, we can make up for the sting that the Moonspalsh inflicts on us if your per diem doesn’t cover it. That reminds me… Get me Harvey on the phone, willya? Thanks Marge… Harvey? Hey Harvey, look, we gotta talk about Sienna’s deal. Well, it’s no good, Harvey, it’s no good. She needs more, deserves more. Look, she’s bankable, right? She put asses in seats, Harvey and… What? You’re killin’ me Harvey, you’re killin’ me. Why you gotta break my balls Harvey, huh? Why?

The Burgh Big Band, 8:00 p.m., Rhythm House Cafe, Bridgeville
You like jazz, don’t ya Sienna? It’s an American art form, and I know you spent a lot of time in England and all, but you were born here, you studied with Strasberg here, I’m guessing you’d like the jazz here. The Burgh Big Band swings Sunday night at the Rhythm House in the Bass Bar, which I think is pronounced to rhyme with “ace” and not “ass”. Cause if it were the latter, I think it might be odd for a place called the Rhythm House to have an area named after a fish. Although, they usually have Fish Parmesan as the special on Sundays, so maybe it does make sense. I’m not a big fan of fish parm myself, Sienna, but maybe you’d like it. The important thing is to try, right? Try new things and maybe you’ll like one of them. First things first, though… You need to get out of the bloody hotel and look around a bit.


So there it is, Sienna, a bunch of things to do. And even if none of these appeal to you, still get in touch with me. We can go to any number of bars and have a good time, but specifically I think we’d have fun up ‘ere at Gooski’s in Polish Hill, where the beer is cold and they have the best juke box in the city. We can sing along to Pulp, and be like the common people. It’ll be fun.

(Update: The Dish offered to take her to the Monterey for Imp ‘n Ahrn. Sounds good to us, espeically because they correctly referred to it as being on the North Side.)


Got an event planned? Would you like a whole flock of yinzers with disposable income to show up? Let Git Aht know by sending the electronic mail to

Git Aht! – Things To Do This Weekend

(Things to do while trying to determine what we did to get put on notice…)
Make your own

Friday, September 29
Exposure: Pittsburgh, 7:00 p.m., Club Havana, Shadyside
The local photographers group holds it’s monthly show at Club Havana in Shadyside. It’s probably too cold tonight for the patio, although you’ll be spending a lot of time out there, Smoky Joe, regardless of weather, once the ban goes into effect. C’est La Vie, as the French say, but what do they care, they can smoke wherever they want. Hell, surgeons chain-smoke Gauloises during hernia operations over there. “Vive le Nicotine!” comes the cry from deepest Provence.

What? Oh, right. Tangented again, didn’t I? Dammit.

This show features photographer Sharon West, whose eye for shapes and colors astounds, and who just got back from Burning Man earlier this month with a boat-load of good shots from the high desert. Her work will be on display throughout the next month, so if you can’t make it, but want to check aht the art, stop in. The thing is, these opening gigs are usually a pretty good time, what with the drinking. And you’ll feel like a star who walked into a paparazzi convention, so expect to have your picture taken. Me? I don’t show up on film, so don’t bother. It has to do with my Eastern European ancestry, at least according to my uncle Vlad the Impaler. Drakul!

Filmmakers Vintage Local Films, 7:30 p.m. Melwood Screening Room
Former Executive Director of Pittsburgh Filmmakers Robert Haller returns to Pittsburgh to present a series of shorts about Pittsburgh mostly filmed in Pittsburgh. (And the winner of the 2006 Award for Most Uses of the Word “Pittsburgh” in a Sentence goes to… me. w00t!) The highlight will be “Rhapsody of Steel”, which is, according to the filmmakers site, a “23-minute masterpiece of animation and music, made for the United States Steel Corporation. Produced by John Sutherland, the film features Gary Merrill as the narrator and three-time Academy Award-winner Dimitri Tiomkin conducting the Pittsburgh Symphony in his own composition.”

(Thanks to Natalia for sending this one in.)

The Big Throw Back! Funk and Soul Dance Party, 10:00 p.m., Brillobox, Upper Larryville/Bloomfield
bootsy 2 bucks! Ahhh…the Name is Bootsy, Baby.

DJs J. Malls and Omar-Abdul drop the mad funk at the Box. I really hope to make it over to this, because my love for old funk is only surpassed by my love of Mom, America, devastatingly intelligent women, a well-crafted drink (with and/or made by a devastatingly intelligent woman), and the companionship of a fine dog. So it’s like, sixth then, which is pretty high, really.

Saturday, September 30
Little Italy days, All Day, Bloomfield
littleItalyDays Street festivals are a wonderful part of living around here with all of our neighborhoods, all of our enclaves of ethnicity, each culture contributing their own flavor… Summer’s chock full of street fairs, be they fire halls or churches, someone’s always running a chuck-a-luck wheel (Three! Lovely! Fives!) and a food stand, dogs ‘n kraut, yo, with bingo inside in the gym, 50 cents a card, threefa a dolla, here’s some popcorn to mark your card, yeah, we play four corners, good luck.

But then along comes Bloomfield’s Little Italy Days like a behemoth, trouncing nearly all of them with 10 to 12 thousand people showing up. The festival is jam-packed with events and entertainment, ranging from Frank Sinatra impersonators to the Liberty Avenue Procession of The Madonna del la Civita on Sunday. Strolling accordionists will provide a pleasant background as you make your way from the polenta to the zepoli, and don’t forget there are bars all along Liberty if you need to duck in for a moment, get your bearings, and grab a cold beer, see if they’ve got Nastro Azzurro.

Personally, I’ll be looking for the Sophia Loren impersonator. But that’s just me.

“Duke Of Ribs” Rib Cook Off 11:00 a.m., The Union Project
ribsLindsay tipped us off about this the other day, but I’m mentioning it again because ribs probably come in slightly lower than funk on my list. I dunno, eighth, maybe ninth. Somewhere in there, depending on how good they are. The sauce must be the Boss. On that matter, there will be no discussion.

The 27th Annual Latin American & Caribbean Festival 1:00 p.m., William Pitt Union, University of Pittsburgh
Another festival, this one featuring music, food, dance, and children’s activities from Latin America and the Caribbean. The whole shebang is sponsored by The Center for Latin American Studies at Pitt and the Carnegie Museum of Natural History. This presents quite a vexing problem to me, a true noggin-scratcher, trying to decide not so much which one to go to, ’cause the answer to that is both if you can, but at which one do you eat? You’ve got great Latin American food over here, great Italian food over in Bloomfield… Sheesh… Lemme think about it for a minute…

Ok, my advice to you: don’t eat anything at all Friday. Save it all up for Saturday, grab a lunch at one, a dinner at the other. Probably a good idea if you walk from one to the other too, considering…

Man, I’m all Solomon-like in my tremendous wisdom. What’s next on the docket, bailiff? Oh, right, the child custody case. All right, let’s have at it then.

Sunday, October 1
Open Irish Music Session, 8:00 p.m., Murphy’s Tap Room, Regent Square
Get your fiddle on in the first of a series of Celtic Music nights to be held on the first and third sundays of each month throughout the fall. If you love the combination of Irish music and no cover, this is the event for you.

Etta James, 8:00 p.m., Byham Theater, Dahntahn
Etta James is a grand dame of American Music, a true legend, inducted into both the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and the Blues Hall of Fame. Miss Peaches brings her act into town for a one-night only performance supporting her new album”All The Way,” a collection of songs she says is “an album of songs that I’ve always loved, tunes that I heard and thought, ‘wish I could have been the one to do that one first!.'” This is your chance to hear her perform them live, and a rare gem it will be.


Got an event planned? Would you like a whole flock of yinzers with disposable income to show up? Let Git Aht know by sending the electronic mail to

Aquatic Dragon Battles

Not some sub-level on Dungeons & Dragons or a scene from the next Harry Potter…

Rather, the Pittsburgh Dragonboat Festival, taking place this Saturday over on the South Side from 11:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.

If you’ve never seen it or even heard of it before, well, that’s because it’s still pretty new to our region – but the sport has been going on in China for centuries (it’s actually one of the oldest sports known that is still raced competitively). Take 20 (willing, gullible or foolhardy) people and cram them into a long boat, add a drummer and a person to steer the damn thing and decorate everything with ‘dragonphernalia’ et voila! you have dragonboating.

The Pittsburgh festival is now in its fifth year, and comes on the back of our two local teams (the Steel City Dragons and the Pittsburgh Paddlefish) becoming more competitive on the national level. Teams will be coming in from DC, Philadelphia, New York and even Toronto to challenge for the title of ‘Pittsburgh Champions’.
Go cheer – go eat Chinese food – go get your dragon on!

I like Hike

The kids from Urban Hike are at it again.  I went on the last Urban Hike and it was a blast!  This is a great, FREE activity and a chance to meet some of the coolest people in Pittsburgh.  So save some time in your Saturday morning for the Urban Hike.

Hike with us in Oakmont August 12th

Hike with us in Oakmont this Saturday, August 12th. Get a great view of the river, walk through some woods with a creepy name, hear about a mysterious bookshop, and see a frighteningly fascinating theater! Don’t be scared, though. We’re all in this together. Meet us at 10 am. Wear good walking shoes, and don’t forget that sunscreen and water. It’s August, you know.  Meet in Riverside Park near the Running Track.

Click More to see more directions to the Hike…
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