Category: Theater

  • Git Aht! – Things To Do This Weekend

    (Things to do while figuring out what the hell happened to the running game… I heard the plane back from Jacksonville still hasn’t landed because someone painted a goal line across the runway.*)

    (* Recycled Bubby Brister joke.)

    Friday, September 22
    Martini Party, 5:00 p.m., Prive Ultralounge, 1650 Smallman Street, The Strip
    “Drinking For A Cause” makes a strong comeback this week at Prive Ultralounge. For some reason, “Ultra” and “Lounge” don’t seem to go together in my mind, but ok, I understand how you need to market to the young people today. It’s not like when I was a kid, when all you had to do to succesfully market something was have a cartoon on Saturday mornings that had your product fighting Skeletor. Now that I think about it, I’d love to see a cartoon about a bar. I’d love to be in a cartoon about a bar. I’d love to be in a bar. But I digress… The Martini Party is a benefit for the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation, well-known sponsor of the Race For The Cure, an event my mom takes part in every year, so it has my everlasting seal of approval, ’cause my mom’s, y’know, my mom and has never done anything wrong ever, right? Except that time she grounded me for two months in fourth grade. I mean, I told the lunchlady I was sorry. What, that wasn’t good enough? Sheesh.

    Oktoberfest, 5:00 p.m.-Midnight and all weekend, Penn Brewery, North Shore Side
    Chicken DanceThis gets a return mention because, well, it’s still going on, and I went last weekend and had a blast. I think.

    Yeah, I’m pretty sure I had a blast…. Hmmm… Yeah, yeah, I did. I mean, I must’ve, because I drank a whole lot of water at the Firehouse after. (Go to Firehouse, say “Hi” to Hans the bartender, a friend of Git Aht.)

    See, they’re selling, like, a half-gallon of beer for 12 and a half bucks. Come on now. Oh, and don’t bother going inside at all, stay out and listen to the Polka band. They started off with the classic German religious music of “In Heaven There Is No Beer” and it only got better. Dude, seriously – they played the Chicken Dance… Twice.

    Zombie Walk, 7:30 p.m., Town Tavern, Sahsside
    They’re coming to get you, Barbara, so you better have booze.

    The Zombie Walk has no good reason whatsoever, and that’s the reason I’m enamored of the idea. See, everyone meets up (dressing in costume is highly encouraged, but not required) and then takes a nice lurch from bar to bar, staying in character, so to speak, before ending up at the “It’s Alive” show at the Rex a little while later. Why go to the show at the Rex? Because it will feature “The Comedy Stylings of Stiffy The Dead Clown”, that’s why. Super Duper (Ultra? Sure, why not…) Extra Bonus Points from me if you know the street dance from the Thriller video and you perform it (safely, dumbass) in the middle of Carson.

    (Tip of the drunken hat to Maria for sending this one in. Thanks!)

    Saturday, September 23
    Sing Along With Buffy The Vampire Slayer, 10:00 p.m., CLO Late Night Cabaret, Dahntahn
    I never got into the show for whatever reason, but ok, I know a lot of people love it, and I know enough about it to know that winner of the Alyson Hannigan look-a-like contest that’ll be held at the event should email me at with a schedule of availability for drinks on me, maybe dinner if things go well. They’ll be handing out “goodie bags” that will contain vampire teeth, (all right, I get that), kazoos (Not really sure, but it is a musical thing…), and mustard (I have no idea, but again, I never watched the show so I plead ignorance. This is probably very important.) Tickets are 12 bucks at the door, 10 in advance. I’d call ahead if I were you.

    Global Beats: One world. One distinct evening of music 9:00 p.m., AVA lounge (The other half of Shadow Lounge)
    From the release: “Global Beats presents a Latin Groove night! Join us for a unique evening of global beats plus music from the Latin world including pop, rock, ska, reggae, Brazilian, tropical and Latin fusion.”

    Ok, nothing to argue with there, I think. Me likey ska. Oi! If you gotta smoke, go outside, you filthy bastard! Say Hi to me while you’re out there, though. I’ll be the one looking at the Iron Lung brochures. I’m thinking I’ll get Xzibit to pimp mine out, y’know, LCD screens, big ass subs in the trunk, maybe some neon. (Note to self: Quit already, ass.)

    Sunday, September 24
    Comedy Central Comes to the Improv, 7:00 p.m., Improv, Waterfront
    Mr. Buzz Nutley (“Mr.” for various and sundry reasons, chief among them he being a dude, but also out of respect, not only for his work, but also for his name.), says on the Craigslist posting where I found this that “Comedy Central will be visiting the Pittsburgh Improv this Sunday the 24th at 7 PM. We are trying to pack the joint, so please come and support the best of Pittsburgh Comedy Talent.” No word on what exactly is going on or anything, so this then becomes a matter of trust. Do we trust Nutley? (“Trust Nutley” sounds a little like a character from a pre-revolutionary war novel, does it not? Either that, or a fantastic campaign slogan. Or a band name. I dunno. Discuss.) I think we do, he hasn’t steered us wrong before, at least, not that we recall. Besides, it’s free. We love free. Reservations are required, however, so call ’em up at 412.462.5233.

    Friendship House Tour, 11:00 a.m., Friendship (Duh.)
    Friendship development Associates sort of sounds like a shell company for the CIA, but apparently it isn’t. It’s actually a group of people really into the Friendship area, who have decided (a long time ago) to show off the really incredible homes that are up there in that area. One of them was featured on HGTV, so the quality speaks for itself there, I think. Actually, I dunno, because I don’t get to see HGTV much, as the nurses won’t allow anything more exciting than PCN coverage of Pennsylvania State House Proceedings. If we try to change it to something else, she takes away our cigarettes, which we need for the poker games with McMurphy. Hit me, Chief, I got the moves!


    Got an event planned? Would you like a whole flock of yinzers with disposable income to show up? Let Git Aht know by sending the electronic mail to

  • Git Aht! – Things To Do This Weekend

    (Things to do while deciding whether to get that ink done…)

    Friday, September 15
    Oktoberfest, 5:00 p.m. and all weekend, Penn Brewery
    suck it trebekIf someone comes up to you and tries to make a joke along the lines of “This is the wurst thing you can do this weekend”, you have my permission to dope-slap them upside the head. Don’t worry about the consequences, no jury of like-minded citizens would ever convict you. As a matter of fact, they’d probably take an opportunity to dope-slap them themselves. All that aside, the Penn Is Mightier, and this event is a great time to drink a wonderfully-crafted beer within the happy confines of the North Shore Side. Food includes grilled wurst and chicken, strüdel, and hopefully that spaetzle stuff which goes with beer a treat. Music provided by Two German bands, Heimat Klang and Alpen Glow playing in the Fest Tent, and accordionists Steve Grkman and Frank Pusateri playing in the restaurant. It’s a polka party and everyone’s invited!

    It’s a Dog’s Life, Photographs by William Wegman, 6:00 p.m., Silver Eye Center for Photography, Sahsside
    silver_eyeWegman’s the guy that takes all the pictures of Weimaraners. This exhibition features 28 polaroids of dogs doing things like roller-skating, playing dress-up, and exercising on a bike.

    All right, fine, it’s a little cutesy, but at least it’s not those babies in flower beds, and his photography is indeed fantastic, and who doesn’t like dogs. Refreshments will be served, members and students get in free, non-members pay 5 bucks.

    Saturday, September 16
    Pittsburgh Dragon Boat Festival, 11:00 a.m., South Side Riverfront Park
    Dragon Boat racing is a 2,400 year old competition and one of the earliest forms of boat racing. This friendly competition is meant to promote the Asian community here in Pittsburgh, which mean lots of music performances and great food from all over asia. They will have hot dogs “for the little ones” but let’s all remember that ketchup was originally an Asian sauce, so even that’s kinda ok. Bonus points if you show up dressed as Wong Fei Hung. The awesomely-named “Monolithic JJ” has more details here.

    The Pittsburgh Sound, 9:00 p.m., Moxie Dada Gallery, Bloomfield
    Billed as “Pittsburgh’s Premier Party Band For The 21st Century”, The Pittsburgh Sound is a 4-piece ensemble of Pittsburgh Jazz Veterans led by Hill Jordan. The set starts at 9, immediately after the closing reception of the previously mentioned Blind Date exhibit. It’ll cost you 10 bucks to get in, but that includes an open bar with beer and wine, and a soul food sampler buffet.

    The New Yinzer Party!, 9:30 p.m., Brillobox, Upper Larryville
    The New Yinzer is an online literary magazine centered on Pittsburgh. Probably because with that name, it couldn’t be centered on, say, Paris or Tokyo. Which makes sense. (If it was Tokyo, maybe it’d be called “The New Yakuza-er”.) The get-together is a launch party of sorts for the magazine, which recently re-opened it’s doors after a brief hiatus/revamping. The party will feature readings from authors and music, and special guests include Julie Sokolow and Harangue. Plus, it’s at Brillobox, which holds a dear place in my heart now because it was closed for a week earlier this summer so the staff could go fishing. At least, that’s what the sign in the window said when we rolled up one night, forcing us to go drink at Kelly’s. So ok, no blood, no foul.

    Sunday, September 17
    Genghis Con II, 11:00 a.m. (and all weekend, really), Green Tree Radisson
    First alerted to this via The Dish, “The Wrath Of Con” features a film premier! Woot!, as the kids all say. Bikini Blood Bath actually stats at 5 on Saturday, but this gets the Sunday mention because, well, what could be better than hanging around with Fangoria-Heads on a Sunday afternoon right after church? And hey, Leslie Easterbrook will be there! Make sure you ask her about the guy in the Police Academy movies that makes all the funny sounds with his mouth! She’ll love it if you do that!

    Spamalot, 1:00 and 6:30 p.m., Benedum Center
    vertigoThe Tony Award winning musical opens this weekend at the Benedum Center. I tried to tell them to go away, that we already got one, but they persisted, so I proceeded to say that their mother was a hamster and their father smelt of elderberries. But even after all of that, they still wanted to stage it this weekend, so the production will apparently go off as scheduled.

    Now go away before I taunt you a second time.


    Got an event planned? Would you like a whole flock of yinzers with disposable income to show up? Let Git Aht know by sending the electronic mail to

  • Git Aht! – Things To Do This Weekend

    (Things to do while figuring out how the hell we only ended up in 8th place…)

    Friday, August 25
    Wine Tasting, 5:30 p.m., The Warhol, North Shore Side
    12 bucks gets you samples of four wines, some food provided by Big Burrito and admission to the museum, ’cause there ain’t nothin’ more fun that gettin’ toasted and hanging out in the balloon room, right? “Dude! There are so many of me right now! I’m floating! I’m floating!” Bonus points if you show up dressed like Nico.

    Exposure: Pittsburgh, 7:00 p.m. Club Havana, Shadyside
    The monthly photography show put together by a talented bunch of flickr-affiliated photographers that features a local artist. This month, the show features Chuck Schneider, whose work can make the ordinary extraordinary, and whose eye can find an abstract in the middle of an otherwise everyday scene featuring manhole covers. This gig also features photographers drinking and good house music provided by DJs Walter, Angeles Bailey and Disco Dan.

    Tamburitzans, 8:00 p.m. South Park
    One of the things that makes Pittsburgh Pittsburgh. Go see the local Institution for FREE at the South Park amphitheater as they close out their Summer season. I actually tried out for the Tammies a long time ago, but after I finished my audition piece, which consisted of the Pop And Lock, The Running Man, The Cabbage Patch and The Worm, I received a polite, “Thank you, we’ll call” fom the musical director. Turns out that wasn’t what they were really looking for. Ah well.

    Saturday, August 26
    Jam On Walnut, 7:00 p.m., Walnut Street, Shadyside
    The monthly benefit for the Cystic Fibrosis foundation winds up the summer with $2-cover-charge-Drinking For A Causeâ„¢, eventual staggering around on the Double Yellow Line, and music from Joe Grushecky and Sho ‘Nuff. You’ll probably end up hitting that pizza shop down on Ivy around 2ish, so make sure to skip dessert earlier and save room for a slice.

    Run Around The Square, 8:15 a.m., Frick Park
    Go then, be healthy, work off the booze from the night before. Seriously, a friend of mine ran this thing last year after staying out until 2, got up and ran it in a decent time. He says it was all the carbs from the night before, I say he was still drunk and therefore didn’t feel the pain in his knees. There’s a shorter “Fun Run” before the main event at 9 a.m. They’ll have musicians and “themed water-stops” whatever the hell that means, sprinkled throughout the course, which seems cool. Go enjoy Frick Park as the Summer wanes.

    Super Computer Donation Bowl, 9 a.m. – 3 p.m., Heinz Field
    Donate your computer in a way that’s good for the environment and the community. I mentioned this before, but I’m mentioning it again ’cause it’s a good cause. Plus, Charlie Batch is gonna be there! Chuck’s the man! How often do you get to meet a Super Bowl winner? Unless, of course, you’re an EMT working the day shift on Second Avenue by the Armstrong Tunnel. (See, he’s fine so we can make the jokes! Kids! Wear a helmet!)

    Sunday, August 27
    Rent, 1 and 6:30 p.m., Benedum Center
    The Tony Award-winning musical makes a stop on it’s road tour at the Benedum as part of the PNC Broadway Across America series. They use a lot of exclamation points on the web page to describe it, so I’m wondering if they’re maybe trying too hard. I haven’t liked a musical since Sondheim’s “Sunday In The Park” so I’m probably not the best authority on this, but a lot of people like it so there must be something to it. I dunno, maybe I’m a bit cynical and bitter and in a bad mood because the Flagstaff movie tonight is…

    Flick: Hoodwinked, Duskish, Flagstaff Hill
    The animated re-telling of the Little Red Riding Hood story as voiced by Glenn Close, Jim Belushi, and Andy Dick. I can’t believe I just wrote that sentence. I feel all… unclean, if you will. Umm… it’s free? Yeah… Free.


    Got an event planned? Would you like a whole flock of yinzers like us with disposable income to show up? Let Git Aht know by sending the electronic mail to

  • Missed “Bombay Dreams,â€Â? why not sample Pittsburgh’s Indian food.

    Upset that you missed the limited showing of the Civic Light Opera’s production of “Bombay Dreams,� then why not experience some of Pittsburgh’s surprisingly good Indian food instead.

    Within Shadyside and its environs, there are a number of Indian restaurants that can provide for a gustatory delight. Three restaurants that are of notable mention are Indica, Star of India, and Indian Garden. If you have never had Indian, I highly recommend Chicken Makhni or the spicier Chicken Vindaloo.

    Still missing the campy Bollywood flair of “Bombay Dreams,� do not worry. A number of the restaurants have takeout so that you can watch your favorite movie in the privacy of your own home.

  • Git Aht: Things To Do This Weekend

    (Things to do while figuring out if it’s the heat or the humidity or the fact that you still won’t take off your “Drink Like A Champion Today” sweatshirt…)

    Friday, July 21
    Wine & Dine In The Park, 5:00 p.m., Robin ill Park, Moon
    Eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow you go out and do the same thing all over again, but probably not with as much quiet dignity and grace that a wine-tasting usually provides. PA wineries put out their best, local restaurants provide the food, and the singing chef Olga Watkins performs with her quartet. This is hoity, possibly toity, but definitely full of good wine. Plus, it’s out by the airport, so it won’t take long for a cab to show up to take you home when you’ve started telling people that you think it’s a “yappy little vintage that sits on the tongue asking you for your approval like a sad puppy, with a hint of clove in the after-taste and if any of you disagree we’re gonna have a tussle” about a chradonnay, and security asks you to leave.

    Juggling In Afghanistan, 8:30 p.m. The Ice House, Lawrencevlle
    Neon PullOk, I’m not sure that’s what it’s called, but this is a showcase for Pittsburgh Photographer Renee Rosensteel, showcasing pictures from her trip to Afghanistan. The juggling bit comes from the fact that Zany Umbrella Circus juggler Ben Sota was along for the ride, teaching juggling at a circus school. She also visited bazaars, and the Hindu Kush mountains, shooting all the way. She does restaurant-quality work, especially in the photo-journalistic style, so go show some support for the local photographers. Plus, it’s billed as a party, so there’s that. After, roll on up to Ray’s for the benefit since you’re in the nieghborhood.

    Too Tall Jones, 10:00 p.m., Club Cafe
    No, not Ed, Fred. Local Rock / Hardcore / Alternative at Club Cafe. They cite Queen, AC/DC and the Cult as influences, so you can’t really go wrong here, unless you really don’t like Queen, AC/DC and the Cult. Which is just silly.

    Saturday, July 22
    The Fourth Annual North Side Celebration in the Park, 11:00 a.m., Allegheny Commons Park
    Puppets! Run! They’ll kill you as soon as look at you!

    Wait, hang on a sec… That’s clowns, right? Yeah… clowns. Puppets are ok. There’s a lot going on here, fun for the whole family and such-like, so let’s hit it up bullet-style:

    • – Band Performances
    • – Children Interactive Activities
    • – Trackless Train Rides (Which is better than Trainless Track rides, I’m thinking)
    • – Face Painting
    • – Puppetmaking
    • – 3-on-3 Basketball Tournaments
    • – Senior Wellness Programming sponsored by AGH
    • – Allegheny Center Alliance Church Flea Market
    • – Speciality Item Vendors
    • – Kid’s Karaoke
      – The inevitable “much more”

    The Pittsburgh Ring Cycle, 3:00 and 8:00 p.m., The Byham
    No, not the Japanese horror flick, and no, this has no Hobbits. This is Der Ring des Nibelungen, which, tranlsated roughly means “takes like, 4 days to watch”. You’ll recognize “Ride of the Valkyries” at the three o’clock show as the music that Duvall blasts from the helicopters in Apocalypse Now, but refrain from shouting “Charlie Don’t Surf!” if you can. The eight o’clocker is Siegfried, with no Roy in sight.

    Dixie Chicks, 7:30 p.m., Mellon Arena
    Natalie, darlin’… Call me. I’ll pick you up in the truck, we’ll go down to the Stew Ball, have a couple longnecks, shoot some pool, play a tune or two by Slim Chance and the Can’t Hardly Playboys on the juke box. At some point, I’ll say Yee-ha. Trust me on that, sweetheart. Hoo-ee, I love me some good geetar playin’ and fiddlin’, and this show should have it.

    Sunday, July 23
    Bach, Beethoven & Brunch, 10:30 a.m., Mellon Park
    This week, they’re featuring the Renaissance City Winds, and of course, brunch. But the important thing here is they’ve got prizes. That’s all you really need to know about this one. It’s got prizes. At a brunch. With classical music. Prizes.

    Pittsburgh Blues Festival, Noon., Hartwood Acres
    This benefits the greater Pittburgh Community Food Bank, and the lineup is good all weekend, but it seems especially so today, with Lee Rocker, The Yardbirds, and John Mayall & the Bluesbreakers. Plus, there’ll be whole raft of local artists too. Go, listen, order four fried chickens and a coke. Or some dry white toast. Whichever.

    Flick: Ice Age 2, 9ish, Flagstaff Hill
    Because there were so many unanswered questions from the first one, that’s why. Oh yeah, this is really important here: FREE! FREE! FREE!