Category: Theater

  • Git Aht! – Things To Do This Weekend

    (Things to do while packing the truck for North Carolina…)

    Friday, December 29
    First Friday Art Walk, 6:00 p.m., Ellsworth Avenue, Shadyside
    Expose-Yourself-to-Art The Ellsworth crawl features Gallerie Chiz and their opening of “A Trip … Gilt without Guilt,” a big group show with dozens of artists working in various media. There’s also the Bella Arte gallery up there, a bunch of bars and restaurants, and the cupcake shop that gave my friend and I free cupcakes at 12:30 a.m. last Friday night as we were just walking by on the way to the car. (“CoCo’s” I think. I don’t recall for sure, because I had been drinking. Surprise.) They were delicious, a chocolate and an egg nog flavored ‘cake, and that’s as far as I’ll go into the whole “Cupcake Class” thing. That’s for them what are smarter than me to discuss.

    Game Night and the Seven Minute Dance Series, 9:00 p.m., Attack Theater Studios, Garfield
    Every so often throughout the night, you’ll get a seven minute dance performance by Attack Theater, so it’s like, awesome, for those of us with horrendously short attention spans. And Games? Yeah, games, like four-square, tic-tac-toe, backgammon and Atari.

    Atari? I will own you at Combat, especially the bouncing bullet tank game. Know this. Word.

    Saturday, January 6
    Learn To Row, 11:30 a.m., TRRA Training Center, Millvale
    deliveranceOk, the holidays are over, and yeah, you drank and ate as much as I did. Don’t lie… You look in the mirror and you’re like “who brought Marlon Brando back from the dead and let him into my house?” So take the free class from the Three Rivers Rowing Association and learn one of the absolute best aerobic exercises around. The only pre-requisite needed is that you be “Willing to learn and have a good time”, which is, oddly enough, exactly the pre-requisite a 32-year-old woman had for me when I dated her at the age of 21. Sure she was a cradle-robber, but a lot of fun, especially when she made me repeat things until I got them right. There’s something to be said for that method of education, because I’ve never used the wrong fork at dinner since. I mean, my fork game is ridiculous.

    The Chief, 8:00 p.m., O’Reilly Theater, Cultural District, Dahntahn
    This is a one-man play focusing on the story of the legendary Art Rooney, Sr. portrayed by local actor Tom Adkins. It’s co-written by Rob Zellers and Gene Collier, the latter being possibly the best local writer we have, and certainly the most entertaining every time he pecks out a column for the PG. The Chief may be making its last run, so this would be a good choice for your Saturday night.

    Kill Hannah, 7:00 p.m., Mr. Smalls, Millvale
    Kill Hannah does have one of the best-titled songs of last year, the alt-radio hit “Lips Like Morphine” which satellite radio has been playing the hell out of and rightfully so, it’s a great single. The openers, Pink Spiders (check out the Stewart Copeland-esque drum track on the intro to “Modern Swinger” at that link) are pretty good too. They’re described as “Striking figures in pink and jet black” and are “distant and aloof, itchy and sex-fueled.” Ok, distant, aloof, sex-fueled… Muy Rock and Roll descriptors for sure, but “itchy”? Who the hell’s itchy? Or are they throwing that out there so they’ll get pelted with Desitin at their shows?

    Sunday, January 7
    Seussical, 2:00 p.m., Byham Theater, Cultural District, Dahntahn
    horton_hears_a_whoThe weekend’s “Family” event, I’m posting it because I always loved Seuss. I always got this sort of subversive vibe from his books, even when I was a kid. it’s the same reason I preferred Bugs Bunny over, say Mickey Mouse. Also, a lot of you might have the “Cat in The Hat” hat from your rave days, and it’d probably be ok to wear it to the show, as long as you a.) remove it once the performance starts and b.) take the E out of the stash pocket before you leave the house.

    Or maybe not, who knows? Might make the show more enjoyable. The thing is, you might not be able to get gallons and gallons water until intermission, so keep that in mind. Plus, the rest of the row might not want you touching them, telling them how much you love them. Surprisingly, at the Byham, this turns people off to you, and they think you’re odd. You will get to touch Security on the way out, though.

    Got an event planned? Would you like a whole flock of yinzers with disposable income to show up? Let Git Aht know by sending the electronic mail to

  • Git Aht! – Things To Do This Weekend

    (Things to do while repeating the sounding joy…)

    Friday, December 15
    Soulcialism, 10:00 p.m., White Eagle, Sahsside
    xmasoulSanta go straight to the Eagle.

    Things are about to get way hectic, because you haven’t done any shopping, you haven’t sent out any cards, you haven’t gotten yourself a date for New Year’s yet, you haven’t requested that time off from work, you haven’t baked any cookies, you haven’t made your trip to the liquor store to get anything for the party you’re throwing… Basically, you haven’t done anything to get ready for Christmas. You really shouldn’t be doing anything but getting all of these things done, and post-friggin’-haste.

    Ahh, screw it. Go dancing in the Sahsside tonight to the finest 60s and 70s Northern Soul with DJ Juddy and Soccer John. As always, no cover, and cheap drinks.

    Friday Night Improv, 11:00 p.m., Stephen Foster Memorial Theater Studio Theater in the Cathedral of Learning, 5th Ave Entrance, Oakland
    So the City paper came out with it’s “Best Of 2006” Issue, and this here site you’re reading came in second. Which leads me to wonder, would we have finished first if Lindsay and Natalia would’ve told me to go pound salt and refused to let me do any posting? Am I dragging the whole team down? Should I be re-assigned to “”?

    Well, we’ll never know for sure, because now I’m the only one that knows the filing system around the luxuriously-appointed offices perched high atop the Gulf Building, so I’m what ya might call “indispensable”, even though my writing skills fall slightly behind infinite monkeys with infinite typewriters.

    Edna St. Vincent Millay whoops it up for the Holidays

    But the absolutely deserving winner is Overheard In Pittsburgh, an endless source of mirth and hilarity, and a site I check at least once a day, and you should too. See, OHIP operator Chris Griswold doesn’t just parrot verbatim everything that comes in over the transom, he selects those little nuggets of fun that have something to say about Pittsburgh and what life is like right here, right now. Read more about it in the PCP article. (Which, incidentally, was written by the guy who’ll be spinning songs at Soulcialism. Small world.)

    So how the hell does this tie in to the Git Aht? Well, Chris also has a hand in a weekly tradition up in Oakland, the audience participation fun fest called “Friday Night Improv.” The rules are simple – nothing is scripted, everything comes from the audience, and the audience actually gets up and does schtick. Now, anyone who’s ever been to karaoke knows that sometimes we fall flat, and only the fact that tomatoes are out of season prevents us from being covered like we’re at the Tomatina Festival. But we also know that sometimes, someone gets up and you think to yourself “Hey, why the hell aren’t they making money singing somewhere, they’re good.”

    Same goes here at FNI – moments of incredible funny can happen, and at 3 bucks, it’s well worth the risk. And it starts at 11, so go out, have a couple up the street to get the funny up, and head over to see if you have what it takes to be the next great Improver. (No, not like im-proo-ver, like im-prah-ver. Whatever.)

    Saturday, December 16
    Cefalo’s Big Night Band, 9:00 p.m., Cefalo’s Restaurant, Carnegie
    Dana-SingingxmasDespite being only a couple years old, Cefalo’s Restaurant/Night Club has this sort of 30s/40s Art Deco retro feel to it, and the Big Night Band helps to contribute to the cool vibe. A traditional big band with a horn section, they play everything from standards to Van Morrison to the Police. It’s a sort of chill evening, and the dance floor is open, so go out and cut yourself a slice of rug while downing a Singapore Sling or Rob Roy.

    And the lead singer (pictured) ain’t hard on the eyes either. I’d totally be “Stage Door Johnny” for her, standing there with the bouquet of roses that she would just throw in my face right before filing the PFA order or having security beat seven kinds of hell out of me, their knuckles would bleed for days. Ah well, ’tis better to have loved and woken up in the hospital with a tube up the nose than never to have loved at all.

    Second City’s Dysfunctional Holiday Revue, 7:00 & 10:00 p.m., O’Reilly Theater, Dahntahn
    secondcitytagline_220x67The Second City comedy troupe drops into the O’Reilly with a holiday-themed show sending up carols, Hanukkah, family get-togethers and more. I saw them last year doing a “regular” show and was impressed. So maybe after your experience being “guy on street” at FNI the night before, you could go see professionals doing the same-ish thing.

    Station Square/T Bar Crawl, 6:00 p.m., Hooters, Station Square
    drunk_santaPub Crawl International (whose stock is tanking, by the way, I never should have invested in them, their earnings are way under forecasts) is throwing it’s December Pub Crawl a curve ball as you’ll start at Station Square, then hop the T to bars on down the line. You end up back at Station Square, so that’s good planning. Try to keep up with the group, otherwise you’ll be drinking by yourself somewhere in the South Hills.

    Sunday, December 17
    Miniature Railroad and Village, All Day., Carnegie Science Center, North Shore Side
    trainTiny trains, tiny trees, tiny people. It’s just like the train set you had when you were a kid, except it puts your “Tyco Under The Tree Christmas Village With Smoking Locomotive And Real Train Whistle Sounds! set” to absolute shame because it’s friggin’ enormous and really well-crafted, with 2500 square feet of realism, and actual water in the lake. (The boats are pulled by magnets underneath the platform.) If you can’t make it today, the exhibit is open through January 19th so you have plenty of time to go and revel in your model train inadequacy.


    Got an event planned? Would you like a whole flock of yinzers with disposable income to show up? Let Git Aht know by sending the electronic mail to

  • Git Aht! – Things To Do This Weekend

    (Things to do while preparing your ball for it’s big night…)

    Friday, December 1
    Exposure: Pittsburgh, 7:00 p.m., Cub Havana, Shadyside
    The monthly photography show opening run by the Pittsburgh chapter of photo-sharing web site flickr shows us the work of local amateur photographer and professional social worker Todd Hrcywoin Hrwkowian Mellencamp Hryckowian. Even though he’s got a last name like line 6 of an eye chart, Todd’s work is a treat, he finds things that some of us may never even get the chance to see. His job sometimes takes him into parts of town that…

    Hmmm… Well, parts of town that aren’t necessarily the garden spots, parts of town where you could end up with a bad case of lead poisoning, and that lead gets into your system at a high rate of speed indeed.

    This is not an indictment of any neighborhoods that don’t exist under a different name in any other city in the world, some of them worse, some of them better. The thing is, they’re there, and they have kids in them, and those kids sometimes get into trouble, sometimes on their own, sometimes through no fault of their own, and Todd is one of the selfless people that goes in to do something about it. It’s admirable and altruistic.

    And these neighborhoods sometimes have incredible scenes, incredible things painted on walls, incredible denizens who are willing to pose for Todd, and snap he does, for our benefit.

    So ok, enough of that. Let me just also point out that the openings are usually pretty well attended, filled top to bottom and side to side with good techno and trance music, and lots of beer and booze. And hell, that little part of Ellsworth has a bunch of bars, so you can do your own mini-bar-crawl and never have to go more than, say hundred feet or so.

    Art Opening: Tria Prima, 7:00 p.m., 5151 Penn Gallery, Friendship-ish
    Painter Fabrizio Gerbino gets shown at 5151 for te next month or so, and tonight’s opening reception means what? Say it with me, just like we’re on some twisted, evil version of Romper Room: “Food/Beverages provided”.

    Yeah, you know what that means, and yeah, you could just show up for the booze ‘n eats, but Gerbino’s work has been hailed as “poignant, sad and not a little beautiful,” which is kinda like that girl you dated in college who wore black all the time and just a little too much eyeliner. Not quite enough to be a goth, but within emo’ing distance of it. Anyway, the sample of Gerbno’s work that I have seen promises a good show, and I’d say check this out..

    Saturday, December 2
    Craft Factory, 10:00 a.m., Mattress Factory, North Shore Side
    Lindsay dropped a dime on this the other day, but it’s cool so I’m re-dropping it. Handmade crafts, one-of-a-kind items, Jewelry,clothing, books and the proverbial “and more”. They’ll have hands-on activites, and when you’re done with your shopping, you can wrap your own gifts at their wrapping and stamping station. It’s perfect for the holiday season, if that’s your kind of thing. Personally, I’m getting everybody gift cards from Giant Eagle so I can rack up the bonus gas.

    Because I’m cheap, that’s why. Or thirfty. No, cheap’s the right word.

    Sunday, December 3
    Steelers Breakdance Party/Movie Filming, Pre-Game, Gold Lot 1, Heinz Field
    Yeah, all right, here’s the headline (all caps theirs):


    At this point, sure, why not? To quote the General with the southern accent at the end of WarGames, “I’d piss on a spark plug if I thought it’d do any good!”

    No, I’m not sure what it means either, but it sounds really cool coming from Barry Corbin.

    Trans Siberian Orchestra, 3:00 and 7:30 p.m., Mellon Civic Arena, Uptahn
    Personally, I think they should bring the house with them on tour.

    Oh, and say Hi to my mom if you see her because she’ll be there. She loves people from Siberia*.

    (*Yes, I know.)


    Got an event planned? Would you like a whole flock of yinzers with disposable income to show up? Let Git Aht know by sending the electronic mail to

  • Git Aht! – Things To Do This Weekend

    (Things to do while making all that pudding…)

    Friday, October 20
    Pittsburgh Gay & Lesbian Film Fest, 8:00 p.m., South Side Works, Sahsside
    The nine day film festival opens with a screening of “Short Bus“, the John Cameron Mitchell (“Hedwig and the Angry Inch”) film that’s causing a bit of controversy because it (allegedly) contains “real” sex, but it’s integral to the story, so I guess that’s ok. Not that I’m complaining, mind you. Hell, I’ve got the First Amendment tattooed on, ummm… Tattooed on my… uhh… Let’s just say I’ve got a First Amendment tattoo and leave it at that. It’ll be at South Side Works and not the Garden on the North Side, probably because the Garden has the exclusive local engagement of “Snakes On A Jane”. (Note: Strictly a fanciful jest! I don’t know what the Garden’s running these days.) The important thing here to remember is that this is indeed an adult film. For grown-ups. 18 and above is what I’m saying. Don’t bring the kids, unless you’re like a super-ultra-uber progressive parent, and even then, y’know… I mean, this is beyond Friday Night Skinemax After Dark stuff.

    (Eds. Note: All right! Point made! Move the hell on!)

    Right. The PGLFF is throwing an opening night party at the Hot Metal Grille tonight, so stop by there after checking out “Bus” or the other featured film at South Side Works, “The Gymnast”, a “romantic drama explor(ing) the developing relationship between an acrobatic young woman and the Asian-American woman who performs with her.” The fest runs at various venues around town check the schedule early and often.

    (Thanks to Nat for sending this one in!)

    Soulcialism, 10:00 p.m., White Eagle Club, Sahsside
    soulcialism Sweat, booze, good music, dancing. As long as Juddy and Soccer John keep throwing these gigs, I’ll keep writing about them, because I love 60s Soul music, I love cheap drinks, and I love dancing with girls who love 60’s Soul Music and cheap drinks.

    Blindsider CD Release Party, 10:00 p.m., Shadow Lounge, ‘Sliberty
    blindsider Local band Blindsider releases a CD and this is the party for it. With a self-described sound of “David Hasselhoff meets Wesley Willis”, this should be a good one. I checked out a couple of their tunes on their myspace page (Dude, like everyone has a myspace page now) and it’s not bad, even on first, bleary-eyed Friday morning listen.

    Also playing at the party, Life In Bed and Donora. I’m guessing not the entire town of Donora, just a few of them. I mean, Shadow’s pretty roomy and everything, but I dunno of they could fit an entire Mid-Mon valley town in there. Besides, most of them would want to smoke, and they’d have to go outside.

    Saturday, October 21
    Mensa Test, 10:00 a.m., 1207 Fifth Ave, Dahntahn
    mensagroupI dunno about this one. From the posting on Craigslist:

    “Mensa is an organization whose sole criteria for membership is a score at or above the 98th percetile on a standardardized IQ tsst.”

    But, ok, I’m not the smartest person, but I am smart enough to realize that maybe, just maybe, this is some new way of spelling with which I am unfamiliariar.

    (Yes, yes, a thousand times yes, I know I can’t spell either. But I ain’t in Mensa. And there’s a good reason for that. It’s ’cause I’m none too bright.)

    Pitt vs. Rutgers – Homecoming 5:45 p.m. Heinz Field
    ditkaHands up everyone who thought back when they announced the schedule that this would be a big game? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?

    Right. But it is, what with Pitt being 6-1 and Rutgers coming into Heinz undefeated with 6 wins of their own. So the game itself should be competitive, and it is getting national tv.

    swerskiBut there are a whole bunch of other events tied into Pitt’s homecoming weekend, not the least of which is the tremendous tailgating sure to take place on a crisp, sunny (so they say) Autumn afternoon. So, let’s say, hypothetically, Mini-Ditka shows up to your tailgate, and he challenges you to a drinking contest, he even spots you a 10 red solo cup lead. Do you win?

    No. No you don’t. You know who wins? Mini-Ditka. Why? ‘Cause he’s just like Ditka, only mini.

    The Great Ants, 10:00p.m., 31st Street Pub, The Strip
    ga_bassDear Great Ants Bass Player,

    I love you. I want to marry you and have, like, 10,000 babies. Well, I mean, like… I wouldn’t, like, actually have them. I mean.. That’d be, y’know… You and all. But I’d be waaaaay supportive and shit. Yeah. I totally would. Ferreals.

    Call me, we’ll go bowling or something.

    Yours Truly,
    Git Aht

    Sunday, October 22
    Love Letters, 2:00 p.m., Heinz Hall, Dahntahn
    See, it’d be so easy to drop the “Hey, It’s Jeannie and Barney Miller” vibe on this one, but they both have had really good, long careers. I mean, Barbara Eden has a resume a mile long, and Hal Linden has been a Broadway star forever, even winning a Tony in 1971 for Best Actor in a Musical. So, I kinda feel as if they’re owed a great deal of respect and admiration for their work, and I don’t want to trivialize it by making a cheap jo…

    Ah, screw it. Go see Jeannie and Barney Miller in a play. It’ll be good for sure.

    UPDATE: Jeannie and Barney have better things to do, apparently, as this one is CANCELLED! (Thanks to eagle-eyed, awesomely-named Monolithic JJ for letting us know.)

    George Romero’s Fright Nights, 7:00 p.m. – 11:00 p.m., Chevrolet Amphitheater, Station Square
    notldThey’re coming to get you Barbara.. Wait, what? Oh.. Sorry Barbara.. You’ve got to go to them. And pay admission. And pay for parking. But still.. I mean, it is Romero’s name on it, so one has to assume high zombie quality. He’s like the Tiffany of anything Undead-related. A name you can count on, in other words.

    This runs through the first weekend in November, so if you can’t make it tonight, you’ll still have plenty of opportunity to get there. Or lurch there. Whichever.


    Got an event planned? Would you like a whole flock of yinzers with disposable income to show up? Let Git Aht know by sending the electronic mail to

  • Wanted: anyone in Pittsburgh area who knew/met Nelson Eddy or Jeanette MacDonald

    Jeanette MacDonald & Nelson Eddy in Rose MarieFor a documentary film about the lives of 1930s movie stars/singers Jeanette MacDonald and Nelson Eddy, I’d like to hear from anyone, particularly in the Pittsburgh area, who might have known or seen Nelson and Jeanette. This would include hearing them in local concerts, opera or nightclubs, anyone knowing them personally (especially since Jeanette was a Philly native and Nelson spent his teenage and early adults years in Philly and singing around Pennsylvania). I’m looking for friends, fans, co-workers, family and/or lovers…and annonymity is assured, if you prefer. Anyone whose parents or grandparents might have had a connection, particularly in Pittsburgh, should also contact me. Any help or leads will be appreciated, you can email me at I was a good friend of Jeanette’s older sister Blossom (the 3rd MacDonald sister Elsie had a dance school in Upper Darby) and am the author of a duo-biography of the team, “Sweethearts,” in which I candidly discuss their off-screen romance. My website is: and you can also read the first chapter of “Sweetheartsâ€Â? at this link. Thanks for any help you can provide!