Category: Music

  • Git Aht! – Things To Do This Weekend

    (Things to do while mourning the passing of Jose Chung …)

    Friday, June 1
    Three Rivers Arts Festival , All Day for the next 17 of them, Dahntahn
    So the Arts Festival starts up again, and like everybody else writing about it, I’m gonna go ahead and mention that rain is in the forecast. For a while, probably, because there’s nothing that rain likes more than art and kettle corn.

    It’s a good lineup this year as far as bands go, and next weekend actually has the more “headliner” type acts with the Cowboy Junkies and Los Lonely Boys. But don’t wait until next weekend to get down there – the artists market is constant, and booth occupants change from time to time – there’ll pretty much always be something new to see. Go a few times, actually. Have some lemonade, a corn dog, whatever, and enjoy a Pittsburgh tradition. Then go have a drink, which is another Pittsburgh tradition. I’d advise against taking a leak on the sidewalk in the South Side, even though that also is a Pittsburgh tradition, because there might be an extra law enforcement officer or two down there for a couple days…

    Saturday, June 2
    Art Opening: “Bogus Journey”, 6:00 p.m., moxie DaDA, North Shore Side
    You know, in case you didn’t get enough art dahntahn… Artists Thad Kellstadt and Michael Koehler “will take you on a journey (that) travels and riffs along thoughts, dreams, and life as the artists attempt to position and balance themselves in the universe.”

    I’m not 100% sure what that means, but it also says that some of the art will be on skateboards, so, y’know, cool.

    Bled Zeppelin(kinda) and Substitute, 9:30 p.m., RPMs, Bridgeville
    The “Robert Plant” and the “Jimmy Page” from the Zep Tribute band will be opening for the Who Tribute band. You should go, and dress up as a Tribute fan. Bring a Tribute lighter, maybe Tribute tailgate before the show. No word right now on whether there will be a Tribute mud shark, but if I hear anything, I’ll let you know. Definitely don’t eat the Tribute brown acid. If you don’t believe me, believe the iguana that served me a drink last Saturday.

    Sunday, June 3
    Once Upon A Time In The West, 8:00 p.m., Regent Square Theater, Regent Square


    Frank (Henry Fonda): Morton once told me I could never be like him. Now I understand why. Wouldn’t have bothered him, knowing you were around somewhere alive.
    Harmonica (Charles Bronson): So, you found out you’re not a businessman after all.
    Frank: Just a man.
    Harmonica: An ancient race. Other Mortons will be along, and they’ll kill it off.
    Frank: The future don’t matter to us. Nothing matters now – not the land, not the money, not the woman. I came here to see you. ‘Cause I know that now, you’ll tell me what you’re after.
    Harmonica: …Only at the point of dyin’.

    Because Knowing Where To Go (and drink) Is Half The Battle
    (Further Suggested Reading)
    knowing_halfPittsburgh City Paper
    Pittsburgh Post Gazette
    Craigs List
    This Is Happening�����–

    Got an event planned? Would you like a whole flock* of yinzers with disposable income to show up? Let Git Aht know by sending the electronic mail to

    (* Note: “Flock� being, y’know.. very loosely-defined…)

  • Git Aht! – Things To Do This Weekend

    (Things to do while sassing that hoopy Ford Prefect …)

    (Busy, busy, busy, so it’s bullet-time, but I urge you to check the “More” links below, there’s a lot going on… have a good, safe holiday weekend. Take a cab. Or get a ride. Or see if that new “friend” you met at the bar will let you “sleep” on their “couch”, maybe.)

    Friday, May 25

    – There Was A Time… , 10:00 p.m., The Remedy, Lawrenceville – Juddy throws down again, go learn to Boogaloo…
    – Wine tasting at the Warhol , 5:30 p.m., The Warhol, North Shore Side – I’m wondering if they’ll cut the price what with that 71 million they’ve got lying around now… (Note: yes, I know…)

    Saturday, May 26
    – Kristin Hersh/The Boogie Hustlers , 7:00 and 10:30 p.m., Club Cafe, Sahsside – Kristin has a full band with her, and The Hustlers are a full band.
    – Shade , 10:00 p.m., Brillobox, Lawrenceville – Solid local rock, they show up on film pretty well which should dispel those vampire rumors, and they’ve been mentioned here before. Paper Airplane and The Sky Drops open.

    Sunday, May 13
    – Doctor Strangelove , 7:30 p.m., Regent Square Theater, Regent Square (Duh) – Protect your bodily fluids… Seen over at Metblogs, thanks to Carolyn for pointing this one out.

    Because Knowing Where To Go (and drink) Is Half The Battle
    (Further Suggested Reading)
    knowing_halfPittsburgh City Paper
    Pittsburgh Post Gazette
    Craigs List
    This Is Happening�����–

    Got an event planned? Would you like a whole flock* of yinzers with disposable income to show up? Let Git Aht know by sending the electronic mail to

    (* Note: “Flock� being, y’know.. very loosely-defined…)

  • Git Aht! – Things To Do This Weekend

    (Things to do while grabbing a light lunch …)

    Friday, May 18
    Globalista Jam, 7:30 p.m., Modern Formations Gallery, Garfield
    The gallery gets transformed into a “near East coffeehouse” for the night. Musicians, bellydancers, and an end of evening, all-invited, “open-floor collaborative jam.” which I truly hope has something to do with music and not foodstuffs.

    Utterly Insane Comedians , 8:00 p.m., Slapsticks Comedy Loft, Castle Shannon-ish
    Am I the only one who think this would be hilarious if they actually were insane? I mean clinically diagnosed? Kleenex boxes on their feet, jars of urine, tinfoil hats?

    Go see some of Pittsburgh’s best comedians – David Kaye, Chris Ciardi, Brad Ryan and Chris Franz – in an “intimate New York style club setting” which I think means, you know, small.

    Saturday, May 19
    Chillaxin In The Square , 12:00-3:00 p.m., Market Square, Dahntahn
    market_square_logoSent in by the folks at the Downtown Partnership, this event is described as an “afternoon celebration offering outdoor dining, fine local merchants, vendors from the farmers market” and live entertainment. But look, I know for a fact you can go to Market Square just about any time of the day or night and see “Live Entertainment”. Depending, of course, on your definition of “entertainment”.

    The use of the word “ax” in any way associated with Market Square slightly unsettles me, but ok, if hanging out in Market Square is good enough for Sid The Sloth , then it’s good enough for me.

    Pittsburgh Guitars Big Beatles Show, 8:00 p.m., Rex Theater, Sahsside
    Non-stop Beatles music played by over a dozen local musicians… For those of us old enough to (ok, barely, but still ) remember them, the Beatles were awesome, huge, greatest, all of these, so this would be a good gig to check out
    Because Knowing Where To Go (and drink) Is Half The Battle
    (Further Suggested Reading)
    knowing_halfPittsburgh City Paper
    Pittsburgh Post Gazette
    Craigs List
    This Is Happening�����–

    Got an event planned? Would you like a whole flock* of yinzers with disposable income to show up? Let Git Aht know by sending the electronic mail to

    (* Note: “Flock� being, y’know.. very loosely-defined…)

  • Git Aht! – Things To Do This Weekend

    (Things to do while being absolutely mesmerized …)

    Friday, May 11
    Comedy May-Ham, 8:00 p.m., Rex Theater, Sahsside
    The Macyapper takes time out from his quest to “out” PittGirl to drop some funny on you. Other comedians include Dr. Awkward, Gab Bonesso and the provebial “more”. Rocco Supreme hosts, tickets are 7 bucks.

    Gary Hoey, 8:00 p.m., Moondogs, Blawnox
    Surf-rock influenced Gary Hoey plays perros de la luna tonight. He does a great cover of Focus’ “Hocus Pocus”, although his version doesn’t have the yodeling. Feel free to make your own “yodeling in the Allegheny River Valley” joke here.

    Saturday, May 12
    Beauty Pageant Bar Crawl , 7:00 p.m., Smokin’ Joes, Sahsside
    rip_taylor_pageantThe good people (Read: Drinkers, partiers, and general good-timers) over at Meetin Pittsburgh are throwing another bar crawl, this one beauty-pageant-themed. So ladies, you show up in a gown and bar hop, although actual hopping might be an issue in heels and taffeta, if I spelled taffeta correctly. Guys have the option of showing up as a “Host” which would work out awesome if you had a baby blue tuxedo with the big-ass 70s ruffled shirt.

    Drinking in the bar crawl fashion is usually fun to being with, and coulping it with a sort of Cacophony Society hook like this should double your fun.

    Shawn Mullins , 10:30 p.m., Club Cafe, Sahsside
    Plus, you’d look really good for the Mullins show in a ball gown and sash that reads “Miss Taken”.

    Never Souled Out: All Night Dance Party, 8:00 p.m., The Church, The OCC
    Juddy and the Soulcialism crew are all involved in this shindig that brings DJs from the UK into Braddock to spin in a former church. I was there for Flux a couple weeks back, and it’s a good space that should suit this thing quite well. Tickets are 8 bucks in advance, 10 at the door, and it’s BYOB. It’s probably also BYOS(weat), but that’s part of the charm, I think. Cut yourself a slice of Northern Soul rug.

    Sunday, May 13
    Hang out with your mom if you can, call her if you can’t, remember her if she’s gone. Get her some flowers or something, she’ll like that.

    My mom’s real subtle with the gift hints, calling me up the other day and saying “Boy, don’t forget, Mothers Day is at your cousins house, be there by noon. And by the way, I could really use a spa treatment.”
    Because Knowing Where To Go (and drink) Is Half The Battle
    (Further Suggested Reading)
    knowing_halfPittsburgh City Paper
    Pittsburgh Post Gazette
    Craigs List
    This Is Happening�����–

    Got an event planned? Would you like a whole flock* of yinzers with disposable income to show up? Let Git Aht know by sending the electronic mail to

    (* Note: “Flock� being, y’know.. very loosely-defined…)

  • Git Aht: The Self-aggrandizing Edition: Go see something I did (And a bunch of other good stuff)

    Tonight, the Film Kitchen is doing its yearly contest for local filmmakers at the Regent Square Theater. The concept this year was to make a music video for a local band, and they provided ten tracks to choose from. Contributing artists include groups Black Moth Super Rainbow, Boca Chica, Centipede E’est and Shade; solo musicians David Bernabo and Ben Opie; sound artist Steve Boyle; and spoken-work artist Vanessa German. All of them great tracks, all of them getting music videos made by local filmmakers, so it’s a great thing for the local creative class.

    And here’s where the “Hey look at me!”/Full Disclosure part comes in. My friend Brian Staszel and I shot the video for the Shade track “Rivals Place” (that’s a still from it above, and you can listen to it on their myspace page). I have no idea whether people will dig it, but I do know that the band really likes it, and that is what we set out to do in the first place. They had a certain idea in mind when they wrote the song, when they recorded it, and when they play it. So we sat down with most of the band a few weeks ago at the Harris, drank a lot of beers and scribbled furiously on a notepad, the result of which can be seen on a big screen tonight at the Regent Square Theater. You can see it, along with 9 other great videos and a live performance from Centipede E’est for the low, low price of 6 bucks, and hell, that includes snacks and beverages. Bonus: it’s right up the street from D’s, home of the Beer Cave. As the kids say, w00t!