Author: pittsburghgal

  • Earthstone Coffee

    When faced with the dilemma tonight of which coffee shop to study in, i ended up driving past the long vacated Cafe Bliss in north Point Breeze, right on Penn avenue near the Gatto bike shop and the east end co-op. To my surprise, the coffee shop has re-opened under the new name Earthstone Coffee, at 7332 Penn Avenue. It is right next to a pretty seedy bar, but it is so cute inside, they have tons of books, serve a variety of drinks and desserts, and even sell a couple of clothing items.I know everyone has like four coffee shops that they visit, but i hope you’ll keep this one in mind in the future. They are very DIY, they have supported several progressive political candidates in the past, and the store could help make point breeze a little more hip. So if you live in point breeze (or even if you don’t), stop by Earthstone. Earthstone even stays open later than most coffee shops in the area, 10 PM on weeknights, later on weekends, especially if they have music or something else planned.