Author Archives: Lindsay

About Lindsay

Lindsay has been writing about Pittsburgh since 2005. She likes pretzels from the Pretzel Shop on Carson St., used book stores, her rollerblades and she hopes to learn to skateboard someday soon.

FROZEN Oct. 27 – Nov. 13th

Barebones productions is a Pittsburgh theater company started in 2003 to bring more to the Pittsburgh theater community.

barebones productions returns with its most challenging play to
the Pittsburgh premier of the Tony Award winning FROZEN, by Bryony Lavery

Frozen follows the stories of a murderer, his psychologist, and the mother of one of his victims in an effort to explore our capacity for forgiveness, remorse, and change– after acts that would seem to rule them out entirely. Continue reading

Nov. 12 11am-7pm Handmade Arcade – Unusual craft fair in Pittsburgh, PA

Handmade Arcade — Unusual craft fair in Pittsburgh, PA

Pittsburgh is a lucky to have Handmade Arcade. Brooklyn and Chicago were the leaders in these DIY (do it yourself fairs) and now Pittsburgh has its very own venue to buy local handmade goods.

Visit the website
and make sure to stop by Construction Juntion on Nov. 12! A huge thanks from I heart PGH to the great people that make Handmade Arcade a reality in Pittsburgh.
handmade logo

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t-shirts are here

Now you can wear your love for PGH all around town. We also have some tote bags too!

The catalyst for all of this Pittsburgh love started back in the fall of 2002 during some drinks at the lava lounge. my old freind Brooke and I decided that PGH is way better than NYC and that we needed I heart PGH t-shirt.
Over the years we have printed many an I heart PGH shirt ourselves in my basement (which my sisters now call the sweat shop because I made them hold screens).
So 3 years later we still love PGH and people are still ordering t-shirts from our old website. So now we finally set up a little shop with cafe press so you can order some shirts and tote bags and actually get them in a timely fashion!

It is our hope to soon make the t-shirts right here in the PGH and add more great designs.

Good Green News

In this months Utne Reader there is an article about ten cities that are leaning green. In the US – the article talks about Portland, Los Angeles and PITTSBURGH!
SustainLane give Pittsburgh the number 1 spot for local food. Pittsburgh ranks #19 overall. I would say that is pretty good for a rusting steel town. Pittsburgh looses points for things like city innovation and a lack of a future plan – so there is still work to do.
A big round of applause for those people supporting farmers markets. The Utne reader reports that Pittbsurgh has 7 farmers markets and 188 community gardens (which is nearly 4 times as many gardens as Seattle has).