What the What is Wawadoo?

A few weeks ago I was sitting at my desk putting together a list of things to do – or trying to put together a list of things to do in Pittsburgh for the weekend.  It was right after Christmas and there was no Steelers game that weekend so it was a little challenging.  There is always something to do in Pittsburgh but we try our hardest to write about NEW things to do in town and that can occasionally be a challenge.  Just as I was about to pack up the lap top for the night (geek speak for throwing in the towel) I received an email from a friendly fellow… one of the founders of Wawadoo.

Wawadoo, as they explained, is a recommendation engine for events. Think Pandora radio but art gallery openings, drink specials, and music shows. That’s Wawadoo.  They explain the system

AlphaLab main area
Image by cynthiacloskey via Flickr

like this: Just login and you’ll see a list of events. Then, each time you vote “thumbs up” or “thumbs down” on an event the system will recommend things to do that match your interests and tastes.

After meeting with the founders I am excited to share their story because it is good news for Pittsburgh too and I think Wawadoo could be pretty cool too.  I had incorrectly assumed that one of the founders was here in Pittsburgh to attend CMU or Pitt.  But nope these 2 guys packed up their lives and moved to town to bring Wawadoo to the Alphalab incubator (the photo to the right is of the Alpha lab office space on Carson St.).  Yep – they left texas behind to come north to Pittsburgh to start their new business.

I hope that you will help them test out the new site as a beta user – just sign up here.  The beta version of the site will be launching soon and you can be one of the first to check out this new event recommendation engine and always have an answer to the question – what would you like to do.

Just enter your email and they’ll send you an invitation as soon as their little fingers can hurriedly create the site.

Click here to sign up for Wawadoo.

And if you want to be really help you can take their beta survey here.

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