Food N'at – Some delicious things happening in the Pittsburgh dining scene

Knife and Fork
Image by nickwheeleroz via Flickr

There are some delicious things happening in the Pittsburgh dining scene…

E2 is now open for dinner. The folks from Enrico Biscotti opened E2 last spring.  Located on Bryan Avenue in Highland Park – E2 was just serving brunch. They have now expanded to offer dinner on Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings.  E2 is BYOB.

E2 on Urbanspoon

Mad Mex
Image by ginnerobot via Flickr

A Better Bird – from the latest BigBurrito email newsletter – MadMex is bringing you better chicken –

In our mission to get better ingredients, we’ve spent a lot of time thinking about chicken. We use tons of it. Most of you eat chicken.

When we looked more closely, we found that some chicken producers do things a little better than others. We found that birds that are fed an all vegetarian diet, are allowed to walk around and socialize, are minimally processed, and treated with decency and respect throughout taste better.

Imagine that. Chickens that are treated better eat better. Who’d of thought? We’re using this new source for all of our chicken, including wings. Come check it out and let us know what you think!

Happy Birthday Casbah – Casbah celebrates their 15th year.  Chef Bill Fuller offers a list of some memorable (and shocking) Casbah moments in this months BigBurrito newsletter here.

What’s New at the Waffle Shop– yes that fun looking place at the corner of Highland Ave and Baum Blvd really does serve waffles.  The Waffle Shop is a project of a Carnegie Mellon class – the hours are limited to Friday and Saturday late night and Saturday and Sunday brunch.

  • The new featured waffle at the Waffle Shop is pumpkin with cream cheese icing
  • Competitors WANTED – Food Fight! is a bracketed tournament where local eateries go head to head to win the coveted Waffle Shop Cup! Or at least it will be if we can find the right people! Food Fight is looking for staff, hosts, special guests and eateries willing to participate. Interested? Send an email to madmik3 at
Steady Hands
Image by thebristolkid via Flickr

See Salt Pittsburgh’s newest establishment, Salt of the Earth, located on Penn Avenue, opened on September 13.  Salt of the Earth has been using their blog and twitter to post updates about the restaurant before it opened.  They have done a really nice job of using social media to tell the story of the restaurant. Check out this video of the kitchen from a seat at the bar.

Salt of the Earth on Urbanspoon

Image representing Meetup as depicted in Crunc...
Image via CrunchBase

Foodblogging the Burgh – Speaking of food and blogging…the First Pittsburgh Foodblogger Meet Up was  Thursday October 7, 2010 @ Bocktown Beer and Grill.   The blog Yum Yum has a post about the meet up here.   Mike from Foodburgh and Lauren from Burgilicious were there as well.  These bloggers have been doing an awesome job of writing about food and dining in Pittsburgh – we are looking forward to more great posts.  The next Foodblogger meet up has been scheduled for December 8, 2010 – location to be announced.  Additional details will be available on the MeetUp page here (you have to join the group to see the details).

Even More Elbow Room in Shadyside? – we saw a new liquor license application in the window and now word on the street is that the Elbow Room will be taking over the space that used to be Max and Erma’s on Walnut Street.

More Bacon Nights in Pittsburgh?The Harris Grill will be expanding their offering when they reopen the old Shiloh inn on Mt. Washington as The Shiloh Grill this fall.  No word yet if that means that bacon night will be expanding to Mt. Washington as well.  Follow @shilohgrill on twitter for updates.


4 responses to “Food N'at – Some delicious things happening in the Pittsburgh dining scene”

  1. Vance Avatar

    From what I hear Elbow Room is moving operations to Max & Erma’s, Bites and Brews is expanding, and a new bar (from the same owners) is going into a smaller Elbow Room space.

    1. IheartPGH Avatar

      cool! thanks for the update.

  2. fiore Avatar

    hi i opened an organic burger joint called Burgh'ers Organic in harmony pa (right outside of cranberry) about 5 month ago. i thought you might want to check us out. everything we use is farm raised in PA and Ohio and seasonably organic.

  3. Lindsay Avatar

    awesome! I can't wait to check out this place – I know some of the other bloggers made a visit to your new place. Love Harmony and I have been meaning to head up to the Bottlebrush Gallery for a visit!