Wine with Warhol

Every Friday is Good Friday at the Warhol Mueseum. The museum stays open late, admission is half price and there is a cash bar in the entrance way.

The last Friday is an even better than most Fridays – Wine Tasting at the Warhol Cafe.  For just $12 you get to sample 4 wines and tasty treats.  This in no boxed wine and american cheese.  The good folks from Big Burrito are the brains behind this so you know this is going to be some good food and wine.

(Photo Credit: PENFAN *heart* FLICKR)
Friday June 29
5:30 – 7:30pm

Wine Tasting in The Warhol Café
Tickets $12; includes Museum admission

Join The Warhol and big Burrito on the last Friday of every month for ongoing Good Fridays wine tastings. Socialize in the company of Andy Warhol’s famous celebrity portraits and sample four unique wines along with cheeses, fruits and other ideal wine accompaniments.. For more information or reservations (walk-ins are welcome), email

Here is another review of the Warhol Wine Tasting.


One response to “Wine with Warhol”

  1. […] is a nice twist on an already great idea. Big Burrito has been hosting wine tastings at the Warhol for years. They are spicing things up a bit with new beer tastings. Even better they are kicking […]