Nope, that is not a spelling mistake – and if you are a long time reader you know that I was not an A+ student is spelling. But Twerrible is the correct spelling in this case. Yes, the Twerrible Towel is the name of the twitter powered terrible towel.
We are still collecting all of the details about this – but it looks like the folks at McKinney – an advertising firm in Durham, NC – have built a twitter powered terrible towel. Everytime some one posts a tweet with the hashtag #steelersnation – the motorized hand twirls the terrible towel. They have hacked an old fan motor and hooked it up to a computer to bring the steelernation – what I imagine is the first ever – Twitter powered terrible towel.
Even better you can watch the Twerrible Towel live on Ustream – – as of this blog post there have been 1132 twirls of the twerrible towel.
Free video streaming by Ustream
You can follow along on Twitter – @TwerribleTowel and online at
One response to “Twerrible Towel”
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by I heart PGH, I heart PGH and TN, James Francis. James Francis said: RT @iheartpgh: a twitter powered terrible towel #steelers – each tweet with #steelersnation makes it twirl […]