Sweet Sweet Scott Baio comes to Pittsburgh in “The Bread My Sweet”

The Bread My Sweet is a delightful little film made right here in Pittsburgh starting SCOTT BAIO. First of all this is a nice little film, with beautiful shots of Pittsburgh. It was filmed at the Enrico Biscotto Co on Penn Ave in the Strip District. If you weren’t already a fan of Scott Baio from his “Charles in Charge Days” this movie will win you over.


4 responses to “Sweet Sweet Scott Baio comes to Pittsburgh in “The Bread My Sweet””

  1. Erik Avatar

    hey, i saw that being filmed years ago.

  2. Joe W Avatar
    Joe W

    The movie is available on DVD under the title "A Wedding for Bella"

  3. aly Avatar

    heyy i just watched ur show yesterday lol

  4. aly Avatar

    u no how i said i saw it yeserday well i didnt really want to watch it but i did and i dont even like sad movies but this 1 is OK