• LUPEC 10th Anniversary Party

    LUPEC 10th Anniversary Party

    One of our favorite organizations here in Pittsburgh is celebrating a big anniversary this week.  LUPEC is short for Ladies United for the Preservation of Endangered Cocktails turns 10 this year.  LUPEC was founded here in Pittsburgh in March 2001 and there are now many LUPEC chapters around the country – classy cocktails are being celebrated in places like

    Join them for an Anniverary Party – Speakeasy Style

    LUPEC 10th Anniversary
    Saturday, March 12, 2011 6-8pm
    Embury, 2216 Penn Ave, Strip District
    Facebook Event Link – http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=168640799851799&index=1

    Learn more about LUPEC:

    In a post-millenium world of beer and prepackaged Chex Mix™, LUPEC works tirelessly to breed, raise, and release cocktails that are endangered or even believed to be extinct. The collecting of anachronistic recipes by women, and the resulting creation of endangered cocktails in an all woman setting is intended to achieve the following goals

    • To create a secular \”coven-like\” atmosphere in which Classy Broads of today can invoke and honor the spirits of their Forebroads
    • To continue the 150 year American tradition of dangerous women calling themselves Ladies and getting together in groups, clubs, and societies to work undercover while they chipped away at the patriarchy.
    • To protect the collective Joie de Vivre of LUPEC members by assuring them at least one good party a month
    • To encourage the accumulation and use of vintage serving and barware.

    To read more and get the most up-to-date information about LUPEC events, check out the group on Facebook atwww.facebook.com/group.php?gid=80296523525.

    You can check out some of our past posts about LUPEC here.

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  • Spring Has Almost Sprung – Radio Round Up – March 19, 2010

    Here is what we discussed on WDVE today – you can listen to IheartPGH chat with Jim and Randy of the DVE morning show most Friday mornings at 6:45 am.

    Craft Night at Hack Pittsburgh

    • Friday, March 19, 2010 – Doors open at 6pm, Crafting starts at 7pm
    • Check out Pittsburghs first Hacker space, make some custom buttons or bring a craft project to work on and I am sure you will learn about 3d printing too
    • In honor of Mr. Rodgers Birthday – Kids get in free
    • Saturday, March 20, 2010
    • Saturday, March 20, 2010 – 1-5pm
    • Join the Pittsburgh History and Landmarks Foundation for a walking tour of the county office building and former jail building

    New Episode of Should I Drink That & Giveaway

    • Our favorite award winning beer drinkers are back with a new episode – this month they are interviewing Lew Bryson – A Pennsylvania craft beer expert – they have some info on PLCB raids in Philadelpia and a movement to change the state liquor laws
    • Also enter to win a $50 gift card to Pipers Pup and a subscription to Pittsburgh Magazine
    • In celebration of women’s history month – LUPEC (Ladies United for the Preservation of Endangered Cocktails) will be showing a documentary about Perel Mesta at the chapel at Homewood Cemetary
    • Perle Mesta was US Ambassador to Luxembourg in the 1950s, she was know as the hostess with the mostess for throwing lavish parties, her favorite drink was champagne and she is buried in Homewood cemetery.
    • Sunday, March 21, 2010 – 2pm @ Homewood Cemetery
    • Facebook Event – http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=381067855776
    • Pgh Filmmakers and the Pittsburgh Downtown Partnership have teamed up to show some favorite urban romances
    • March 19-25, 2010 they will be screening When Harry Met Sally and Breakfast at Tiffany’s
    • March 23, 2010 Noon-8pm
    • Ben & Jerry’s Forbes Ave. Sq. Hill
  • Ladies, Endangered Cocktails, Doris Eaton

    lupec at silvertone
    Image by sushiesque via Flickr

    LUPEC stands for Ladies United for the Preservation of Endangered Cocktails and they have been meeting in one form or another around Pittsburgh for the past 9 years.  Every year they plan an event to honor some distinguised women – this year they will be celebrating Doris Eaton.

    LUPEC always endeavors to honor the lives extraordinary women. For this event, they will pay tribute to the fascinating life of performer Doris Eaton, whose career began on the stage with the Ziegfeld Follies and whose legacy continues today at the age of 105 where she is still known to kick up her dancing shoes in support of causes close to her heart.

    Ziegfeld Follies, 1912 advertising art, scanne...
    Image via Wikipedia

    Keeping the original Follies’ variety of performance in mind, the event features an assortment of local acts — the girl group pop music of The Garment District; acoustic vocal styling of MissyLaneous; “Speak-easy,” an original puppet opera telling the story of three women who made Prohibition history, by Flora Shepherd of Highway Puppetry, featuring puppetry by Flora and live vocals, piano, percussion, guitar and accordion by Missy Raterman, Tom Petterson and Flora; and an interactive art-deco Puppet Installation by Ange Tee of Fare Feather Family.

    New York Time article about Doris Eaton


  • Art, Activism & Equity Symposium

    Thanks to Liz Perry for sending me the info about this event. I have had the good fortune to meet a number of the presenters. I am going to attend to hear Faythe Levine and Liz Perry’s presentation. I have had the opportunity to get to know Liz over the past 3 years – she is an absolute expert in blogs and new media and a great person to talk with. Liz is also one of the forces behind Pittbsurgh Signs Project (I will post more on that I promise).

    Lots more info about this event is located here.

    A quick list of reasons I think you should attend this event:

    • Guerrilla Girls – Liz Perry was raving about this group – it is my understanding they do all of their presentations in guerrilla suits.
    • Heather Arnet – she runs the Women and Girls Foundation and she is a great person to get to know
    • LUPEC – Ladies United for the Preservation of Endangered Cocktails – they have been improving drink knowledge around Pittsburgh for years now

    Art, Activism & Equity Symposium

    Co-presented by the New Hazlett Theater, Greater Pgh Arts Council & Women and Girls Foundation
    April 18, 2008–April 19, 2008

    The New Hazlett Theater, Greater Pittsburgh Arts Council and the Women and Girls Foundation present a dynamic symposium, Art, Activism & Equity, as part of the “Women in the Arts” Festival on April 18 and 19, 2008. The festival celebrates the accomplishments of women in the arts in Pittsburgh and connects the local arts community with national resources, trends, and philosophies. (more…)

  • Celebrate Women's History Month with LUPEC

    Ladies United for the Preservation of Endangered Cocktails (LUPEC) has planned a variety of events throughout March in honor of Women’s History Month.


    Women’s History: Making a Difference-A Woman’s Vision for Pittsburgh – LUPEC and the Frick Art & Historical Center present a conversation with four contemporary Pittsburgh women – Betty Esper, Peggy Finnegan, Cecile Springer, and Doris Carson Williams. Event includes discussion, specialty cocktails and hors d’oeuvres. Frick Art Museum, Point Breeze. $8-$10. 7:00 p.m.


    Come support the Steel City Derby Demons, Pittsburgh’s all-female roller derby league, with LUPEC at the Firehouse Lounge. There will be a screening of the film “Kansas City Bomber” (1972, starring Raquel Welch) and special cocktails. Firehouse Lounge, Strip District. cover tbd. 7:30 p.m.


    “Last Call: The Isabella Blow-Out” LUPEC pays tribute to an important style icon with their annual Women’s History Month closing party at Kelly’s. Wear your favorite fancy hat. Kelly’s, East Liberty.

    There is also an event in the works for the week of the 16th, but more details will be posted at a later time.