- Saturday, December 8, 2pm, meet at the fountain at Southside works
- You must dress up
- Santa bar crawl – Santa fun for grownups
- The Southside merchants invite you to Eat, Drink and be merry and have cooked up a day of holiday fun on Carson Street.
- Saturday, December 8, Noon-5pm
- Pick up your free shopping bag at Dave’s Music Mine (1210 East Carson Street) or De Stefino (2751 Sidney Street)
East End Brewing Charity Open House
- Sat. December 8, 12-3 and 5-8
- Scott from East End Brewery opens his doors for beer and food to benefit PLEA.
PLEA is a local organization that does simple but amazing things for
families of kids with emotional and developmental challenges like Autism - Tickets are $45 at the door
- Pittsburgh Sports League gets you through December with FREE trivia nights at Buffalo Blues
- December 12 & 19, 7:30pm
- Buffalo Blues, 216 S. Highland Ave., Pittsburgh, PA, 15206
- DrinkIronCity.com
More Holiday Shopping in Pittsburgh
- Saturday December 8th, 2-8pm – I Made It Market in Homestead @ the Owls Club on 8th Ave
- Saturday, December 8, 20% off at Equita in Lawrenceveille
- 7pm – Concert by Pittsburgh’s 9th Ward
One response to “Radio Round Up – December 7, 2007”
Passion Night with the Pittsburgh Passion Women's Football Team
Where: Town Tavern, 20th Street and E. Carson
When: Friday, December 7, 7-10 PM
Cover $5, $2 Beer/$3 Well Drinks, Free Appetizers 7-10, Largest Dance Floor in the City!, Prizes and Raffles!
Come Support the 2007 National Champs!