Pittsburgh Party for a Purpose head to Firehouse Lounge this Weekend

Its time for another fantastic party from the folks behind Pittsburgh Party for a Purpose – every other month they get together to host a party at a local watering hole and the proceeds from the evening benefit an area non-profit. I stopped by the last Party for a Purpose back in February at Hough’s in Greenfield. I have to say Hough’s was really great (and our post inspired FoodBurgh to stop by for a full review – FoodBurgh has some great posts and it is great to see they are posting their updates on UrbanSpoon too!)

The next Pittsburgh Party for a Purpose is Friday May 14, 2009 at the Firehouse in the Strip District – all of the proceeds benefit the Homeless Children’s Education Fund.

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2 responses to “Pittsburgh Party for a Purpose head to Firehouse Lounge this Weekend”

  1. […] PGH Party For A Purpose – Friday, May 15, 9PM – 2AM Its time for another fantastic party from the folks behind Pittsburgh Party for a Purpose – every other month they get together to host a party at a local watering hole and the proceeds from the evening benefit an area non-profit. I stopped by the last Party for a Purpose back in February at Hough’s in Greenfield. I have to say Hough’s was really great (and our post inspired FoodBurgh to stop by for a full review – FoodBurgh has some great posts and it is great to see they are posting their updates on UrbanSpoon too!) […]

  2. […] Last year over 220 people joined the keg ride Pittsburgh Party for a Purpose @ Firehouse […]