Pittsburgh Blogger Seeks New Roommate

This Pittsburgh blogger is in need of a new roommate. My previous roommate has finished her residency at UPMC and has left town for greener, well colder, pastures of Boston.  I have tried posting on Ye Old Craigslist but haven’t had much luck. I’d like to avoid a Pittsburgh remake of Single White Female, so I am hoping that one of the dear readers of IheartPGH might have a friend, or a friend of a friend who is looking for a new place to live.

pittsburgh-roommate-craigslistI have a great, big, sunny apartment in the East End. The apartment is in a neat old mansion that was converted into apartments in the 80s. The apartment does not have the architecture or decor of Miami Vice, I promise (but, sometimes, I do like to wear my neon pink t-shirt).

  • 2 bedroom/2 bathroom
  • dishwasher
  • free laundry in building
  • off-street parking included
  • exposed brick walls
  • working gas fireplace
  • central air conditioning
  • small patio area
  • quiet neighbors

The entire apartment is furnished, including the bedroom and the room is available now.  Looking for someone who ideally will take over the rest of the lease – about 7 months.

If you know someone who likes pina coladas, and getting caught in the rain… just kidding (I prefer a margarita to a pina colada), if you know someone awesome, who ideally loves Pittsburgh or is willing to learn to love Pittsburgh, please send them my way. If you would like more details and photos email me Lindsay – at – IheartPGH.com.  Thanks!



One response to “Pittsburgh Blogger Seeks New Roommate”

  1. RA Avatar

    hope you found your roomy Lindsay. Thanks for visiting our little coffeeshop COCOA on your trip. Take care! I’ve enjoyed your whimsical style of writing here.