Pittsburgh Photo Trivia – where is this?

Pittsburgh photo trivia

Pittsburgh photo trivia

Photo Trivia -where is this?, originally uploaded by IheartPGH.


6 responses to “Pittsburgh Photo Trivia – where is this?”

  1. Tiffany Avatar

    One of the incline stations?

  2. Cindy Avatar

    Primanti Bros?

  3. Virginia Hendricks Avatar

    I'm going with one of the incline stations

  4. Lindsay Avatar

    Nope. Here is a hint – it is a dining establishment.

  5. Karen D. Avatar
    Karen D.

    Red Oak Cafe in Oakland

  6. […] D. has the correct answer to the most recent photo trivia – this picture is the writing above the door at the Red Oak Cafe in Oakland.  Friend of IheartPGH […]