One of the Pittsburgh non-profits that has been doing what they do to make Pittsburgh a better place is the Sprout Fund – think of it as a Pittsburgh Kickstarter, before Kickstarter ever existed. The Sprout Fund has been making small grants to people/organizations with ideas for projects to make Pittsburgh a better place to live.
The Sprout Fund started with the Seed Award Program back in 2001 – in the past 11 years various Seed Awards have helped to launch many projects that are continuing to serve Pittsburgh today – Bike Pittsburgh, GTECH and Handmade Arcade all got started with the help of the Sprout Fund’s grants. You can read more about the first 10 years of the Sprout Fund here in the Post-Gazette and check out the projects they have funded here.
Sprout Programming has expanded from the Seed Award and they now run the Spark program that focues on kids, creativity and technology.
On November 2, 2012 stop by the Sprout Fund offices located on Penn Avenue in Garfield to check out some the projects that have been supported, there will be snacks, drinks and music as well.
Join Sprout, neighbors, friends, current, and past projects for an open house on Nov. 2 from 5:30-9:30pm at Sprout offices:
5423 Penn Avenue Pittsburgh, PA 15203, next to EDGE studio and across from The Quiet Storm!
Enjoy complimentary snacks and drinks while listening to live entertainment from Lungs Face Feet and DJ Edgar Um. Guests can meet board members and staff to learn about Sprouts programs and discover recent projects funded by Sprout’s Seed Award!
Special thanks to EDGE studio, Whole Foods Market, Penn Brewery, Clear Story, Inc., & Thommy Conroy!