[note] Say hello to our new blogger Eric! He has been writing posts about events around town – keep an eye on IheartPGH for more upcoming events and event recaps. Happy Hanukah! [/note]
After a weekend of being sick I found myself at the Beth Shalom Preschool & Synagogue’s Hanukkah day one celebration, despite only having a periphery involvement with the organization. I, for one, didn’t even know what latkes were. (they’re delicious potato pancakes) But what I found was much more than a hilarious food-based pun: it was a community celebration steeped in tradition.

Beth Shalom Preschool & Synagogue is a local institution in Squirrel Hill. They run one of the best preschools in the city and have a lovely facility. Teachers and staff were out in full force on Sunday. Arts and crafts, an olive oil menorah, dancing, even Steelers jerseys written in Hebrew. As on outsider to the community, I found it all very welcoming. This was a close-knit community coming together to celebrate the season, and it was a huge success.