Some Park and Parking History & Friday is Park(ing) Day in PittsburghParking

Image by JessyeAnne via Flickr

This is a neat event that is another creative way to think about our city, transit and how cars fit into the urban landscape.   It fits well into the conversation we have been having about if you need a car in Pittsburgh on the post about Zipcar.

Last year, I posted about Parking Day 2008 and recieved this interesting comment that I wanted to share – which puts some historical perspective of how cars have fit into Pittsburgh over the past centruy or so.

I have a nineteenth century “History of Pittsburg” which lists the word “parking” in the index. I thought this odd as I couldn’t imagine someone parking a carriage. When I looked it up, the word meant the placing and creating of parks in the city which was not done until after the Civil War.

Park(ing) Day, Friday, September 18, 2009 is being coordinated by Mattress Factory, the Office of Public

Park (ing) day
Image by Steve Rhodes via Flickr

Art and the Community Design Center of Pittsburgh.

More info about Park(ing) Day and some great photos of the parks from last year is available at

Read more about Pittsburgh’s Park(ing) Day 2009 at Pop City Media, Bittersweet Harvest, and the Pittsburgh Parks Conservancy Blog.

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5 responses to “Some Park and Parking History & Friday is Park(ing) Day in PittsburghParking”

  1. Tirzah Avatar

    I happened to be about and about Oakland at lunchtime and it fantastic to see all the PARK(ing) spots. Hope I can participate next year.

  2. Tirzah Avatar

    I happened to be about and about Oakland at lunchtime and it fantastic to see all the PARK(ing) spots. Hope I can participate next year.

    1. IheartPGH Avatar

      Which park(ing) spot was your favorite?

  3. IheartPGH Avatar

    Which park(ing) spot was your favorite?

  4. BlackDaigneaultyuu88 Avatar

    I wnana know more on this when is the next post commingrespectjenny omper______________________________________________ways to pass saliva drug test | passing a drug test | Pass a THC drug test