Chipped Ham Pink is Now a Nail Polish Color

I’ve been working on a blog post about some great Pittsburgh Christmas gifts, but a tweet came across my radar with a Pittsburgh product that is probably worthy of its own blog post.  Chipped chopped ham is a distinctly Pittsburgh lunch meat.  If you didn’t grow up in Pittsburgh, and you aren’t familiar with the chipped chop ham or ham barbecue – head over to the chipped chopped ham Wikipedia page for a full education.  The fact that chipped chopped ham has its own Wikipedia page should be an indication to you that this is something Pittsburghers take seriously.

So what does this have to do with nail polish? Meet Chipped Ham Pink



…for $7 you can now paint your nails in a color inspired by chipped chopped ham.

Gridlock Lacquer and their line of Pittsburgh nail polishes which come in the following shades…

  • Chipped Ham
  • Steel My Heart
  • Pittsburghese, not Bougeois

Click here to see all three of the Pittsburgh colors.

We can only assume that the most gilded shade of gold will soon be added to the Pittsburgh collection.  The company is based in Buffalo, NY – so maybe they haven’t yet discovered our loyalty to the shades of black and gold.  I help but wonder if there is a buffalo sauce share of nail polish in the Buffalo collection.

All of these colors and colors for other rust belt cities are available on Gridlock Lacquer website.  Follow @GridlockLacquer for more updates.

Update 12/18:

Pittsburgh is spelled correctly on the bottle, the glare in the photo is hiding the H

Pittsburgh is spelled with an H
Pittsburgh is spelled with an H

Christmas delivery is a maybe.  I’ve asked Gridlock to keep me posted on this.

Yes, there is also a shade for the BBQ sauce, meet Wingin’ It – so you could have chipped chop ham BBQ nails.

Pittsburgh Manicure
The ultimate Pittsburgh Manicure


4 responses to “Chipped Ham Pink is Now a Nail Polish Color”

  1. Steve Riley Avatar
    Steve Riley

    CAN’T believe Pittsburgh is spelled wrong on the bottle. Unreal.

  2. Gridlock Lacquer Avatar
    Gridlock Lacquer

    It’s spelled correctly, it’s just the reflection from the photo that makes it look like the H is missing in this photo.

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