Check out the latest Iron City Times

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9-21-09.pdf (342 KB)

Iron City Times is the newsletter for Iron City Beer – they were kind
enough to add a link to IheartPGH to this weeks newsletter too –

I like the beer fact too – “If you collect beer bottles your are a
labeorphilist.” Also check out their suggestions for places to watch
this weeks Steeler’s game in Cincinnati.

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2 responses to “Check out the latest Iron City Times”

  1. anonymous Avatar

    I don't get it. Iron City Times? Shouldn't that be the Latrobe Times, or maybe Rochester NY Times??? In case you haven't heard, Iron City abandoned Pittsburgh.

  2. anonymous Avatar

    I don’t get it. Iron City Times? Shouldn’t that be the Latrobe Times, or maybe Rochester NY Times??? In case you haven’t heard, Iron City abandoned Pittsburgh.