- Image by KitAy via Flickr
Oh holiday time… so many people to see, so little time. Lots of old friends coming back to Pittsburgh with new friends (and future spouses) who are getting their first glimpse of future Pittsburgh holidays to come. I just got an email asking for breakfast place suggestions. Where would you take a friend on their first Pittsburgh visit for breakfast?
My suggestions were:
What would you suggest for a Pittsburgh breakfast?
24 responses to “Best Pittsburgh Breakfast?”
bellevue diner
DeLuca's is a can't miss.
We went to brunch on Sunday at Piper's Pub in the South Side and it was DELICIOUS. I recommend the Irish Boxty.
Two of your suggestions would have been on my list.
I'd also recommend Eat 'n Park to any expat. We've lived other places, and while it's definitely not the best food in the city, EnP is one of the places I really miss when we live somewhere else….
point Brugge
affogato pancake bar
Isaly's in West View!
eggs n'at, moon twp!
Lidia's, even though it's a bit expensive. Also, Double-Wide has a fantastic brunch.
How can you miss Delucas??? haha
J'eet (crepes, yum!)
Quiet Storm (tasty, generous, & vegetarian)
Barb's Corner Kitchen (awesome l'ville greasy spoon)
Casbah ($22 prix fixe – app, entree, cocktail)
Thanks Cat! Glad you mentioned Barb's Country Kitchen – a friend just asked about that place but I haven't been there in forever.
I second the Pipers Pub, however the breakfast items are only available on Sunday's, but its worth the wait! The Irish Boxty and Belgin French Toast are AMAZING!
Crepes Parisiennes in Shadyside.
LOVE, love, love Crepes Parisiennes – had breakfast their on Christmas eve. That should have been on my list too.
O'Learys in the Southside
I am shocked and horrified that no one mentioned The Dor-Step yet!
My top three would include Coca Cafe, DeLuca's, and Zenith for their Sunday brunch.
Thanks for suggesting Zenith! Their menu is online here – http://www.zenithpgh.com/menu.htm
Square Cafe
1889 Cafe
Eggs n'at
I have been to Eggs N'Things (http://www.eggsnthings.com/) but not yet to Eggs n'at! On my list of places I need to visit!
Gary's Restaurant in Carrick, small place, big portions, great prices, great taste. I also agree with kdiddy, Pipers Pub is an excellent breakfast choice.
Can't beat Lincoln / Pamela's cakes
#2 Jo jos
#3 Cole's cafe
Where is Cole's Cafe? I have never heard of it.