One Mad Halloween Party

One of the questions we are often asked is “is there anything fun to do for 4th of July/Labor Day/Halloween/President’s Day in Pittsburgh?” Well, we may never have a good answer for how to celebrate President’s Day but we do have some answers for Halloween.  This year there are a TON of great ways to celebrate Halloween.

The fun loving folks from Mad Mex are putting together a big bad Halloween party for Monday, October 31st – at the new, super large and super great Mad Mex Location in Shadyside.  $20 gets you in the door and includes snacks a plenty.  Costume contests, DJ and drink specials.

Pumking Imperial Pumpkin Ale
Image by Michael Kappel via Flickr

ATTENTION pumpkin beer lovers – they are  saving a keg of Pumking for the party!

Tickets are limited and we’re pretty sure this will sell out ASAP – stop by the Shadyside Mad Mex to purchase tickets.

Mad Mansion Party
@ Mad Mex Shadyside, Highland Ave
Monday, October 31, 2011
$20 per person

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