Peepsburgh Banjo Club

A little Easter treat.  Every Wednesday evening is Banjo Night at the Elks Club on the North Side (the Elks club is the big building across from the Giant Eagle).  Admission is free and from 8-11 pm – live banjo music.  (You can read more about Banjo Night from PopCity Media and Everything Better Pittsburgh)

This peeps display was sitting on the table in the back of the room.  I am not sure who created it – if you know, please leave a comment so we can give them credit.  If you haven’t been to banjo night yet, yes there is a disco ball over the stage.

Speaking of peeps… The Washington Post runs an annual Peeps Diorama Contest.  This years winner is “Twinkie: Rest in Peeps”

Happy Easter!  Hope you have a lovely day celebrating with your friends and family.


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