Step Up To See the City

Image by peterp via Flickr

Well I was just about to write about the Fineview and South Side Slopes Step Treks.  But Diana Nelson Jones and I must be thinking the same thing.  She just posted about both of these events on her blog for the Post-Gazeete – Walkabout.  So click here to read her post about both of these great events.

This is one of my favorite photos of Pittsburgh that I took on the Step Trek in 2006.  That was the graffiti on the wall at the time.  I wonder if it is still there…

Fineview Step-a-thon 2011

South Side Slopes Step Trek


2 responses to “Step Up To See the City”

  1. Franklin Chen Avatar

    I remember doing the Fineview Step-a-thon in 2006. It was definitely a fun, surreal experience. I would do it again on Saturday but have other plans already, unfortunately. Maybe next year! The South Side Slops Step Trek sounds fun, so I'll consider doing it.

  2. Franklin Avatar

    I went to the Step Trek. It was great! A short report: