For those serious about bacon…

Peppered flavor Bacon Salt. Photo taken at the...
Image via Wikipedia

If you are not serious about bacon, if you are a vegetarian, if you are vegan or you don’t eat meat – then you should probably stop reading right here.  The rest of this post is about bacon, lots of bacon.

This Saturday, September 17 – is the 2011 Bacon Bash.  Pittsburgh is home to one of the most established bacon bloggers in all of the land of bacon bloggers – Mr. Baconpants – he is serious about bacon.  I was honored to have the opportunity to sample some burgers with Mr. Baconpants and Bacon Knight earlier this summer (thanks to the folks at Chevy/GM northeast for organizing the bloggers burger event). I know very little about bacon and Mr. Baconpants helped bring me up to speed on the bacon basics.

Mr. Baconpants will be teaming up with the weekly bacon night hosts – The Harris Grill for a festival of bacon known as the Bacon Bash.  [IheartPGH Fun Fact – We <3 the Harris Grill – one of our first posts about bacon night at the Harris Grill led to our first mention in the Post-Gazette back in 2005, that was then they blogs were called web logs].

Mr. Baconpants Presents Bacon Bash 2011

When: Saturday, September 17, 2011 12:00 pm – 3:00 PM

Where: Harris Grill
5747 Ellsworth Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15232
(412) 362-5273

Tickets: $35 per person

Details here:

Buy your tickets at:

Facebook Event:

Still not convinced – check out the recap of Bacon Bash 2010 here.

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