East End Book Exchange

Hey IheartPgh fans,

I’m working on a great new project and I need your help!  Recently, Pittsburgh has suffered from a shortage of bookstores.  I’ve started the new East End Book Exchange hopefully to remedy all that!

East End Book Exchange will debut at the Pittsburgh Public Market in the Strip District on Sunday, July 31st, 10am-4pm

Browse and buy from a great selection of fiction and nonfiction

Exchange your used books for store credit

Come down on the 31st and help support Pittsburgh’s newest used bookstore!
For more information on current inventory, contact information, etc, please visit our website and blog: http://eastendbookexchange.blogspot.com/

Questions, comments, concerns?  I would love to hear from you!  Email us at eastendbookexchange@gmail.com

The Pittsburgh Public Market is located in the Produce Terminal Building near the intersection of Smallman and 17th Street in the Strip District.


5 responses to “East End Book Exchange”

  1. Runa Avatar

    This sounds so awesome! I'm excited to check it out 🙂

  2. @onlyinpgh Avatar

    Definitely sounds awesome–looking forward to it!

  3. […] Beginning of a Bookstore by Lindsay on July 29, 2011 You may have noticed a post here on I<3PGH a few weeks ago about the East End Book Exchange.  Book lover and occasional I<3PGH blogger […]

  4. […] July my friend Lesley wrote a post about wanting to open a book shop in Pittsburgh.  I wrote a follow up post reminicing about all of the book shops that used to be open in Sq. Hill […]

  5. […] July my friend Lesley wrote a post about wanting to open a book shop in Pittsburgh.  I wrote a follow up post reminicing about all of the book shops that used to be open in Sq. Hill […]