Beep! Beep! or Rather Peep! Peep! – Look Out The Peepster in Rolling into Pittsburgh

An Army of Peeps
Image by Island Capture Photography via Flickr

Peep lovers rejoice – thanks to Table Magazine – the Peepster is popping into Pittsburgh for a stop tomorrow. Yes – there is a peep mobile – so look for the giant yellow peep on a VW bug tomorrow.

The Peepster will be stopping for photos and to give out free candy on Friday.

Meet the Peepster
Friday, April 8, 2011
Wood Street in front of McCormick and Schmicks

Here is a photo of the peepster rolling through Chicago – you can follow the tour at

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3 responses to “Beep! Beep! or Rather Peep! Peep! – Look Out The Peepster in Rolling into Pittsburgh”

  1. yinzerparty Avatar

    YESS!!! I'm having a Peep Eating contest at my party Thurs, Apr 21 at brillobox!! 🙂

    1. @iheartpgh Avatar

      @yinzerparty – awesome! please share the details. great idea for a party!

  2. […] Beep! Beep! or Rather Peep! Peep! – Look Out The Peepster in Rolling into Pittsburgh […]