Celebrate Gene Kelly's Birthday!

Cropped screenshot of Gene Kelly from the trai...
Image via Wikipedia

Another fun Pittsburgh trivia fact is that Gene Kelly – the iconic American actor, dancer and singer in the rain – was born in the Highland Park neighborhood of Pittsburgh.  The Kelly-Strayhorn Theater in East Liberty is named after Gene Kelly and Billy Strayhorn (another Pittsburgher who is best known for collaborating with Duke Ellington).

The Kelly-Strayhorn Theater opened in East Liberty in 1914 as the Regent Theater and has had many different roles through out the years.  11 years ago the theater was reopened with the new name of the Kelly-Strayhorn Theater.  You can read more about the history of the theater here.

On Saturday, August 21rd, 2010 – you can celebrate Gene Kelly’s birthday (his actual birthday is August 23rd) at the theater.  Click here for more details on the Kelly Strayhorn Theater website.

  • 2pm Tour of the Theater
  • 3pm Screening of Cover Girl – admission to the film is $2
  • Cake will be served

Here is the song Put Me To the Test from the film Cover Girl


10 responses to “Celebrate Gene Kelly's Birthday!”

  1.  Avatar

    Gene kelly was one of the greats, he inspired many dancers.

  2.  Avatar

    Yikes! Sorry about that – the party is August 21, 2010 – Thanks for letting us know that was wrong. I have updated the post with the correct date.n

  3.  Avatar

    Is this on Saturday the 21st? or Monday the 23rd?

  4. Hfenster Avatar

    Is this on Saturday the 21st? or Monday the 23rd?

  5. IheartPGH Avatar

    Yikes! Sorry about that – the party is August 21, 2010 – Thanks for letting us know that was wrong. I have updated the post with the correct date.

  6. Hfenster Avatar

    Is this on Saturday the 21st? or Monday the 23rd?

    1. IheartPGH Avatar

      Yikes! Sorry about that – the party is August 21, 2010 – Thanks for letting us know that was wrong. I have updated the post with the correct date.

  7. IheartPGH Avatar

    Yikes! Sorry about that – the party is August 21, 2010 – Thanks for letting us know that was wrong. I have updated the post with the correct date.n

  8. GKFan Avatar

    Gene kelly was one of the greats, he inspired many dancers.

  9. GKFan Avatar

    Gene kelly was one of the greats, he inspired many dancers.