Grandview Park Celebrates 100 Years – Celebration Saturday, October 3!

Pittsburgh in 2009
Image by Jeff Pang via Flickr

For the past 10 year a group of dedicated volunteers has been working to bring back the grandness to Grandview Park – and the timing is perfect.  The park will celebrate its 100th birthday this Saturday, October 3rd with a big community birthday party.


The Friends of Grandview Park will host a birthday celebration in the park (499 Bailey Ave., Mt. Washington, 15211), on Sat., Oct. 3, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. There will be activities for all ages ranging from artists and food vendors to musicians and children’s entertainment. Kids will be able to climb to the top of a life-size fort to see the city.

More info on the Park and the birthday Celebration from the Post-Gazette and the Green Tree Times

Grandview Park is part of the larger Grand View Scenic Byway Park.

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One response to “Grandview Park Celebrates 100 Years – Celebration Saturday, October 3!”

  1. […] Stop by and celebrate the Friendship Development Associates 20th Anniversary at the the New Glass Lofts Grandview Park’s 100th Birthday Celebration […]