G-20 + Terrible Towel and you could win a Sally Wiggin T-shirt

A Myron Cope special edition of the Terrible T...
Image via Wikipedia

The blog Only In Pittsburgh has been posting great photos around the burgh since February – including Mary Monday’s where they post a photo of a Mary statue from somewhere in Pittsburgh. Only in Pittsburgh is having a G20 + Terrible towel photography contest.  Send in photos from anything G20 related that also has a terrible towel.  The best photo will win an awesome Sally Wiggin T-shirt from Marginal Designs.

Send your photos (or a link to your photos) to submit AT onlyinpgh DOT com.

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3 responses to “G-20 + Terrible Towel and you could win a Sally Wiggin T-shirt”

  1. […] Most Fridays @ 6:45 you can here us on WDVE (102.5) with a little summary of some things to do in Pittsburgh over the weekend. Today we talked about the G20 and some other things happening in Pittsburgh this weekend. For more on the G20 – follow along on Twitter – http://www.twitter.com/iheartpgh G20 + Terrible Towel Photo Contest […]

  2. morgage31 Avatar

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