Bring on the Bacon Tour – Bacon Book, Bacon Cupcakes and more Bacon

Uncooked streaky bacon.
Image via Wikipedia

WARNING: If you are a vegetarian you might want to skip this post – it is 100% about bacon.

IheartPGH owes alot to bacon, we didn’t really think much of this blog and only a handful of our friends read this little website – and four years ago that was a pretty small group of people that were willing to read a blog. But then we posted about Bacon Night (TGIB – Bacon Night 11/18/2005)at the Harris Grill and somehow the Post-Gazette found that post and mentioned this humble little blog in the paper and things started to change.

So I have noticed that bacon is kind of a big deal for many of our readers so here is an event for the bacon lovers.

The Blue Ribbon Bacon Tour, Saturday, September 26, 11:00 – 4:00, Harris Grill – $30 gets you 5 hours of bacon goodness. You can even purchase a signed copy of the book Bacon: A Love Story: A Salty Survey of Everybody’s Favorite Meat. A must read for the bacon enthusiast.

The Blue Ribbon Bacon Festival in Des Moines, Iowa has been going strong for two years and now they’re taking it on the road to several cities around the United States during the summer of 2009! The Bacon Tour will bring together bacon enthusiasts for a celebration of all things bacon. There are a limited number of tickets available for this event. Attendees will be treated to several bacon appetizers and small plates featuring Vande Rose Artisan Dry Cured bacon, rated #1 bacon by America’s Test Kitchen, featured in Cook’s Illustrated magazine and on the Today Show. The food will be prepared right here in the Harris Grill kitchens by our experienced pork artisans. The event will also feature a bacon eating contest.

Blue Ribbon Bacon Tour attendees will have the opportunity to purchase a signed copy of Bacon: A Love Story (HarperCollins, May 2009). The book was written by Heather Lauer, author of the blog, Lauer is co-hosting all Blue Ribbon Bacon Tour events being held around the country this summer. Local bacon blogger, Jason Mosley – aka “Mr. Baconpants” ( – will also be co-hosting the event. Mosley was recently featured in an article that appeared on Pittsburgh’s

Tickets: $30 per person, which includes admission to the event, delicious bacon appetizers and small plates prepared by Harris Grill featuring Vande Rose Artisan Dry Cured bacon including Bacon Pierogi, Bacon Wrapped Shimp, Bacon Brittle, Bacon Wings, Bacon Sushi, Chicken Fried Bacon, Bacon Cupcakes, and two beverage tickets for adult libations of your choice. Click Here to buy tickets.


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6 responses to “Bring on the Bacon Tour – Bacon Book, Bacon Cupcakes and more Bacon”

  1. natashaonthis Avatar

    You mean:WARNING: If you are a vegetarian, a practicing Jew or Muslim, you might want to skip this post – it is 100% about bacon.:)

  2. Natasha Khan Avatar

    You mean:

    WARNING: If you are a vegetarian, a practicing Jew or Muslim, you might want to skip this post – it is 100% about bacon.


    1. IheartPGH Avatar

      yes – that is exactly what I meant! I understand how some might not be
      bacon fans – I am hesitant to admit I am not the biggest bacon fan – but I
      respect the bacon lovers – and the power of bacon to bring people together
      for bacon night or bacon festivals.

  3. IheartPGH Avatar

    yes – that is exactly what I meant! I understand how some might not bebacon fans – I am hesitant to admit I am not the biggest bacon fan – but Irespect the bacon lovers – and the power of bacon to bring people togetherfor bacon night or bacon festivals.

  4. max191 Avatar

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