TGIB – Bacon Night!

When I first heard about this, I almost fell out of my chair. Could this be real? Is this just a figment of a pig-fat lover’s wild imagination? But no. It’s true! Bacon addicts, have we got something for you:

Tuesday night is bacon night at the Harris Grill.

(The Harris Grill is located at 5747 Ellsworth Avenue in Shadyside.)

bacon bacon bacon !!!

The free bacon at the bar starts at 7:30pm (after happy hour) until the pigs come home.

Wow – has anyone ever been? How is the bacon served? I must check this out.


10 responses to “TGIB – Bacon Night!”

  1. Tom Avatar

    Is that a joke? It says "sponsored by Lipitor", which is hilarious…

  2. Lindsay Avatar

    bacon night is not a joke. i got there last week after they ran out of bacon but my friends are huge fans of bacon night. i am a huge fan of the harris for hosting such a great event – weekly! (the sponsored by Lipitor is probably a joke)

  3. Kristof Avatar

    Natalia, urgent bacon-related question for you! Can Polish Hunter's Bacon be eaten as is or does it need to be cooked? Picked up some in the Strip at Alex's International, but forgot to ask and can't find anything about this online. Please help! Alex's also has Hungarian Kolosvari bacon (never to be cooked, but amply salted, dried, and smoked so very safe). I highly recommend it (though not for the faint of heart and non-East Europeans might be repulsed at the idea of eating "raw" bacon.) PS Cool site. Just recently found out about it from my brother, Erik.

  4. That Guy Avatar
    That Guy

    Indeed, it is real… Here's photographic proof.

  5. ~mandakay Avatar

    at my alma mater of wisconsin we've been celebrating "free bacon tuesdays" since probably 2002. and if you need something to wash it down try the $1 (up from $.75) cans of PBR on for size.

  6. Lindsay Avatar

    Here is the article from the Post-Gazette about this post on Bacon Night

  7. […] – would you wear a crown of bacon? But this did get me thinking about bacon bloggers. It was a posting about bacon night at the Harris Grill, a local restaurant here in Pittsburgh, which was mentioned in the Pittsburgh […]

  8. […] four years ago that was a pretty small group of people that were willing to read a blog. But then we posted about Bacon Night (TGIB – Bacon Night 11/18/2005)at the Harris Grill and somehow the Post-Gazette found that […]

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