Image by Official Star Wars Blog via Flickr
The Vader Project opens this weekend and The Warhol
100 works by contemporary international artists utilizing 1:1 scale authentic prop replicas of the Darth Vader helmet used in the Star Wars films.
From Vinyl Pulse (a blog about designer toys)
The exhibit officially opens this Saturday, February 28th (12-4) with a make-your-own-vader mask event. Come out dressed up as your favorite character.The Vader Project opens at the Warhol this weekend.
From I like the Warhol museum for alot of reasons – I am not really sure if Andy Warhol would like the Warhol museum but that is anothr conversation. If it weren’t for the warhol museum this blog wouldn’t exist. After a trip to the Warhol on a rainy sunday afternoon – I decided to teach myself to screen print. The first t-shirt I printed was an IheartPGH t-shirt. A few year later, I had forgotten about t-shirts and was working on campaigns when we started the IheartPGH blog and brought back the t-shirt idea. The t-shirts and the blog have been a good thing. It was an IheartPGH reader that left a comment about Spreadshirt and I was happy to find a great source for IheartPGH T-shirts and now I work for Spreadshirt and when I am not writing about Pittsburgh, I am writing about t-shirts here. I had no idea when I dragged friend of IheartPGH to the Warhol musuem back in 2003 that it would be so influential.Even if you aren’t big on museums – see John Neil’s post on museums and the Warhol. I mostly agree with this – I think the trick to museums visits is not trying to see everything. One of the other great things about the Warhol museum is you can check out the whole place pretty quickly if you are an impatient sort of person.I think that The Vader Project is probably a good reason to revisit the Warhol. If you have friends that aren’t so much museum people – maybe they are Star Wars people and this will get them to the museum where they will try screen printing and change their careers or just enjoy the afternoon and a sandwich – John reccomends the cuban sandwich.The Star Wars blog offers a tour of The Vader Project with tons of pictures. You can also check out The Vader Project on Myspace and Facebook.Here is a video of the exhibit and check out some of the related links below – darth vader in butter and an Andy Warhol interviews Spielberg. [youtube][/youtube] via PopCityMedia
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5 responses to “100 Darth Vader's at the Warhol”
[…] The Vader Project […]
[…] to see the Vader Project – collection of 100 Darth Vader helmets which decorated by artists (see our Vader Project post) which will be at the Warhol until May […]
The Warhol museum retains Warhol's creativeness and modern outlook, which this exhibition shows. There is a touch of homour in there too, which im sure he'd have loved.
Fabulous article. Thank you so much!
Darth Vader should stick to selling mobile phones in Japan