You will go out for dinner on Sunday – 3rd Annual Big Bennefit

You don’t really want to cook dinner on Sunday, you should gather your family and friends and head to your favorite Big Burrito establishment on Sunday, October 12, 2008 for the Big Benefit.  100% of all food sales on Sunday will go to support the Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank.  I have long been a fan of Mad Mex which is still probably my most favorite place to dine in Pittsburgh.  I have had the wonderful opportunity to get to know some of the good folks, (check out chef Bill Fuller’s blog here) at Big Burrito and I am an even bigger fan.  The Big Burrito folks are true Pittsburgh lovers and they give generously to support Pittsburgh causes.

100% of all food sales from this night will go to local hunger relief organizations.

Our Pittsburgh restaurants will benefit the Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank. The GPCFB collects and distributes food via a 350+ member network throughout southwestern Pennsylvania, ranging from soup kitchens and food pantries to emergency and disaster related agencies.

Here is a list of Big Burrito establishments as well as some reviews from other bloggers:

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3 responses to “You will go out for dinner on Sunday – 3rd Annual Big Bennefit”

  1. Laura Avatar

    I love that you linked to Broad Manly's blog here – I took him to Mad Mex that night! I love taking out-of-towners to awesome restaurants in da burgh 🙂

  2. reluctantveggie Avatar

    thanks for linking! kaya really was awesome. and the portions are huge.

  3. Lindsay Avatar

    @Laura – Thanks! I love that you have a friend that has a blog named Broad Manly.