Way Better Than Light Up Night – Festival of Lights

In 2007, I think this was part of the Arts Festival or the Celebration of Glass but i can’t seem to find any pictures from this, there was an amazing display here in Pittsburgh where these photos were projected on a bunch of buildings downtown.  The event was so popular in 2007 they extended the display. The Festival of Lights is back to celebrate Pittsburgh’s 250, yes we are still celebrating. This festival is really impressive, fun to look at and FREE.

The festival kicks off this Friday, October 10, 2008  in Katz Plaza.
Pittsburgh Jazz Legend Etta Cox will be performing a free concert starting at 6pm. The lights will be turned on around 8:30pm.

Check out some more pictures here.

There isn’t much info up on the web about when and where the lights on the other buildings will be displayed.  I will update when I get more info.

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