Wanna Win some Groundhog Shwag? Tell me how you celebrated in PGH on Feb 2nd!

For over 120 years, Punxsutawney Phil has been predicting the weather. The famous groundhog decides whether the northeast will endure 6 more weeks of winter or enjoy an early spring. Every year on February 2nd the Inner Circle, distinguished townsmen, party with the community and outside visitors (and there is no shortage of outside visitors, even in the dead cold of winter…) and after coaxing Phil from his stump, announce the prognostication. I was lucky enough to attend the big event this year and will definitely go back. Something the state of PA does to help celebrate Phil is a viral marketing campaign that follows the antics of the Groundhog and his Shadow. The campaign has run for 4 successful years and 2009 marked the 5th. This year’s campaign, GroundhogDreams also marks the last year the campaign will run. To promote the campaign, VisitPA release a commemorative plate to mark the 5 year anniversary. I have one to give away… so what you need to do is tell me how you celebrated Groundhog Day in Pittsburgh this year! You can leave a comment or email your celebration story to info@iheartpgh.com.


2 responses to “Wanna Win some Groundhog Shwag? Tell me how you celebrated in PGH on Feb 2nd!”

  1. Katie B. Avatar
    Katie B.

    Well I am posting not so much about what I did on Groundhog's Day, but rather, that I'm attending a friend's 3rd Annual Groundhog's Day Party. Last year, my friends and I searched the Goodwill in the South Side for some outfits to commemorate the occasion, and I found an official ground hog's day shirt! How lucky is that. Granted it didn't fit me, so I gave it away, but what a find!

  2. Chelle Avatar

    We spent Groundhog's day unsurprisingly being happy about the Steeler's Superbowl victory! Thank goodness too, since according to the groundhog we've got 6 more weeks of winter yet!