Urban Hike Heads to Millvale – Macaroons, Murals and More

Maxo Vanka Murals, Millvale - 1
Maxo Vanka Murals, Millvale – 1 (Photo credit: the justified sinner)

Urban Hike is one of the best ways to check out the city and meet some new folks.  The Urban Hike organizers have mapped out a route, found the best places to eat and lined up some local experts to share some local history.  This hike to Millvale will make a stop to see one of the best kept secrets in Western PA – the Maxo Vanka Murals.

Urban Hike Millvale

Saturday, July 19, 2014

10am – meet at Jean-March Chatellier’s French Bakery, 212 North Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15209

Facebook Event – https://www.facebook.com/events/1439057913021684/

Join us for a 4-mile walk in Millvale this Saturday, July 19th. The hike begins at 10:00 a.m., but we suggest you arrive early to grab a treat from the highly-regarded Jean-Marc Chatellier’s French Bakery. As we hike, we’ll catch a couple of highlights in the business district, peak in on the Max Vanko murals, speak to some Franciscan nuns about their peaceful and eco-friendly Millvale home, and, as always, walk on residential streets to get the real feel of the neighborhood.

This hike is a bit flatter than most, but it’s still Pittsburgh, so there will be some hills and city steps. Come prepared with your walking shoes, a bottle of water and, if needed, an umbrella. We hike rain or shine.

Don’t let the parking meters on North and Grant Avenues fool you, they are free on weekends. Park wherever you can find a spot near the bakery.

If you have time after the hike, stick around for lunch at Sidelines Bar and Grill with the Urban Hike crew or brunch on your own at the original Pamela’s — the P&G Diner — which is within a block of our starting spot at Jean-Marc’s.

We look forward to seeing you on Saturday!

[fb_embed_post href=”https://www.facebook.com/events/1439057913021684//” width=”550″/]

View of Millvale (Photo Credit: Millvale Bogough Facebook Page)
View of Millvale (Photo Credit: Millvale Bogough Facebook Page)

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