#UheartPGH Poll Results

Over the past 2 weeks, we’ve asked you to tell us what you love about Pittsburgh. From neighborhood festivals to coolest bathrooms, you let us know what you loved about the city. You nominated, you voted, now here are the results of #UheartPGH!

Best Thrift Shop- Goodwill Southside, 2700 E. Carson St., Southside

Literacy Windows in Pittsburgh's Southside
Literacy Windows in Pittsburgh’s Southside (Photo credit: Carolyn P Speranza)

Reviews on Yelp all seem to agree, the Goodwill on East Carson is a dumping ground for people’s gently worn treasures. Well organized and conveniently located near the Southside Works, this Goodwill is considered the best in the city by our readers. The parking lot also has a drop off bin, so you can bring goods to donate to this location as well.




Best Pierogi- Pierogies Plus, 342 Island Ave., McKees Rocks

Potato pierogies
Potato pierogies (Photo credit: Kitchen Wench)

Pierogies Plus is a magical wonderland of Pierogi deliciousness. Celebrating its 20th year in Pittsburgh, the space in McKees Rocks has undergone expansion over time to accommodate the hordes of pierogi lovers flocking to the location. At this spot you can either dine-in or take a massive amount of frozen pierogies home to eat at your leisure (or all at once if you’re anything like me). You can also find Pierogies Plus’ frozen pierogies in many locations around the city or order them to be shipped to your home if you don’t live in Pittsburgh.
Pierogies Plus on Urbanspoon

Best Neighborhood Festival- Bloomfield Little Italy Days: August 22-25, Bloomfield

In it’s 12th year, Bloomfield’s Little Italy Days are only getting better. Expect food, vendors, entertainment, and plenty of activities to keep you busy over the four day festival. Take part in the Bocci tournament or watch one of the many shows while chowing down on your favorite Italian fare.

Best Bathroom- Jerome Bettis Grill, 393 N. Shore Drive, North Shore

Image Via Urbanspoon

If you’re a guy and you’ve got to go on the North Shore, Bettis Grille is the place to do it. The men’s bathroom has a one-way mirror over the urinals, so you can watch the restaurant while relieving yourself. As I’m not allowed to use the men’s bathroom at Bettis Grille (apparently being an interested blogger isn’t a good enough reason) I’ll have to take the voters word on this one. The bathroom is nationally recognized as one of the best in the country; it was nominated in 2008 as one of the top 10 bathrooms in the country by BestRestroom.com.
Jerome Bettis' Grille 36 on Urbanspoon

A kayaker paddles down Ohiopyle Falls during t...
A kayaker paddles down Ohiopyle Falls during the annual festival (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Best Day Trip- Ohiopyle State Park, Ohiopyle

Only 1.5 hours away from Pittsburgh, Ohiopyle State Park has something for everyone. There’s white water rafting (multiple levels), kayaking, walking trails, biking trails, camping, fishing, or simply spending the day lounging by the water. It’s the best place to get away without having to spend the night. Additional bonus for the architecturally inclined; Frank Lloyd Wright’s Fallingwater and Kentuck Knob are only minutes away from the park.

Best Happy Hour Draft Special- Mad Mex, Multiple Locations

Mad Mex
Mad Mex (Photo credit: ginnerobot)

Aside from having delicious burritos and other Tex-Mex offerings, Mad Mex has a great Happy Hour Draft special. Come in weekdays from 4-6 (4:30-6:30 at certain locations) for half off draft beers and wings. With a wide variety of brews on tap, there is something to make everyone’s hour a little happier. Be sure to follow @MadMex on Twitter to keep up to date with its ever-changing draft list.

Mad Mex on Urbanspoon
So, there’s the best nominated and voted by you, dear readers. Is your favorite spot missing from the list? Comment below!


3 responses to “#UheartPGH Poll Results”

  1. […] #UheartPGH: The Best of Pittsburgh {iheartpgh} […]

  2. ObjectMethodology.com Avatar

    Those pierogies look good!

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