Two New BBQ Places in the Burgh

Meat lovers rejoice! Not one, but TWO new BBQ places have opened in Pittsburgh.

Kevin Sousa, who opened Salt of the Earth last year and Station Street Hot Dogs a few weeks ago – officially opened Union Pig & Chicken this eve.  Union Pig & Chicken is Located on Highland Avenue a few blocks from the intersection of Highland and Penn.  There is indoor seating, the menu is available online at  They offer a selection of meats, sides, whiskey & burbon cocktails and beer from East End brewing.

Union Pig and Chicken  on Urbanspoon

Thanks to a loyal reader we learned that YinzBurghBBQ opened recently on Baum Blvd. (it is across the street from the GetGo on Baum and Morewood). While there isn’t much available on the website, I drove past this evening and the place was packed.  It looks like it is mostly take out with one or two tables.

YinzBurgh BBQ on Urbanspoon


3 responses to “Two New BBQ Places in the Burgh”

  1. […] HOME IheartPGH ShopArchiveCalendarMap of Recent PostsContact/SubmitFAQSearchLinksDaily DealsOur Mailing ListsQuestYinz « Two New BBQ Places in the Burgh […]

  2. Guy Manningham Avatar

    Salt of the Earth is amazing, so I guess I will be checking out this place soon. Thanks for the heads up!

    1. IheartPGH Avatar

      @GuyManningham – make sure to check out YinzBurgh BBQ too.  We stopped by last week for a snack.  Super nice guy and GREAT BBQ.  Love the site.  Please add your blog to the map at too!