Tweet the Vote – Twitter Guide to the Primary Election

Pittsburgh Primary Election Twitter

Tomorrow, Tuesday, May 19, 2015 is primary election day in Pittsburgh. Most of the registered voters in Pittsburgh are democrats (I have been trying to find the exact percentage of Pittsburgh voters who are registered as democrats, but I have yet to find that statistic).  As a result, most of the elections in the City of Pittsburgh are determined in the Primary election.  If you want to be able to vote for these candidates in the the primary election, you will need to be registered as a democrat.  Voters who are registered as Republican, Independent or any other party can still vote in the Primary election, but there are very few candidates in the City of Pittsburgh who don’t run as democrats.

Please remind your friends, family and neighbors to vote.  Voter turnout for the 2014 Primary Election in Allegheny County was 20.46% for the Democrats and 10.65% for the Republicans.

Pittsburgh Primary Election Twitter

Twitter Accounts for Candidates on the Ballot

Here is a list of all of the candidates who are on the ballot and have twitter accounts.  If you know of a candidate who is missing, please leave a comment below and we will update the list.

Running For Name Twitter Account # of Followers
as of
Pittsburgh City Council District 1 Darlene Harris @Darlene4PGH 531
Pittsburgh City Council District 1 Randy Zotter @RZotter 107
Pittsburgh City Council District 3 Bruce Kraus @BruceKraus 2320
Pittsburgh City Council District 5 Kimberly Kaplan @TeamKaplan2015 25
Pittsburgh City Council District 5 Corey O’Connor @CoreyOConnorPGH 2424
Pittsburgh City Council District 7 Deb Gross @DebGrossPGH 1674
Pittsburgh City Council District 7 Latasha Mayes @duxfemfac 858
Pittsburgh City Council District 9 Rev. Ricky Burgess


(has not posted since 2010)

Pittsburgh City Council District 9 Judith Ginyard @Ginyard4Council 45
Pittsburgh City Controller Michael Lamb @ControllerLamb 1330
Pittsburgh City Controller Natalia Rudiak @NataliaRudiak 5083
@Natalia4PGH 413
Allegheny County Controller Mark Patrick Flaherty @Flaherty2015 148
Allegheny County Controller Chelsa Wagner @ChelsaWagner 1169
Pittsburgh School Board District 4 Kirk Burkley


(Private Account)

@CandidateKirk 73
Pittsburgh School Board District 4 Lynda Wrenn @LyndaWrenn 115

A Twitter list of all of the candidates is available here.

Looking for a list of all of the candidates? Check out our google doc of candidates, websites, Facebook pages etc. here – feel free to add more information to this spreadsheet.

Candidate List – Pittsburgh Primary Election – May 2015 – Google Sheets

Invite Your Friends to Vote on Facebook

Pittsburgh Primary Election Day #votePGH

Remind your friends that Tuesday is election day by inviting them to the VotePGH Primary Election Day Facebook event here.