text YINZ to 41411

I have been checking out this company Reactee today (you can see my other post about Reachtee here).  Basically, your order a t-shirt from Reactee that has a code on it.  When people text your code to 41411, they get a message back from you.

I was browsing the gallery and I wanted to make sure that the code “yinz” was put to good use.

Check out the IheartPGH Reactee

The code is live, so feel free to send a text to 41411 with the word yinz.

I haven’t ordered one yet.  Would you wear a t-shirt like this?  I can change the reply to the text at any time.  I am open to suggestions – feel free to submit ideas below or email me at info – at – iheartpgh.com


One response to “text YINZ to 41411”

  1. Rachel Avatar

    I'd own that shirt.