TEDxPittsburgh is looking for speakers!


Got an idea worth spreading or know someone who does? Then TEDxPittsburgh is looking for you!


TEDxPittsburgh Call for Speakers 2015

The 2015 theme is something that should resonate with all Pittsburghers– Bridges: Ideas that Connect the Region. TEDxPittsburgh is looking for speakers to nominate either themselves or someone they know who has big ideas that reflect just this thought.

The theme is purposely left open to interpretation so let your creativity fly! Submissions are open through this Monday, March 30– apply now.

Need help? From the website:

We’re looking for speakers with big ideas. Ideas worth spreading. Ideas that:

– Make either a tangible or intangible connection with people, places, and things within the Pittsburgh region. How does this speaker’s topic affect the city, region, world?

– Are surprising, new, and actionable. Have we heard this before? Is there something the audience can do after learning this idea?

– Evidence-based. Is there new research or findings or anecdotes to support this idea?

– Can change thinking or behavior. Will we think differently about a topic, or ourselves after hearing this speaker?

Don’t be intimidated by the video requirement either: a quick smartphone video will do, but here are some helpful tips to make the most of your video shoot. Just remember that your idea and your delivery are what matter the most!

What is TED and TEDx?

You’ve probably seen a fun, inspirational, or motivational TED talk video before. TED is a nonprofit focused on sharing the “Ideas Worth Spreading” in technology, entertainment, and design, culminating in the hosting of an annual conference of talks (which are probably the source of the TED videos you’ve seen).

TEDx events are a local community’s opportunity to bring the power of TED to their cities and regions. As independently organized, community-focused events, they all tie back to promoting the central TED value: ideas worth spreading.

Background on TEDxPittsburgh

Previously known as TEDxGrandviewAve, the region’s largest TEDx event underwent a rebranding to become TEDxPittsburgh and fully represent the great ideas and innovations that come from the Steel City. The event will be held on May 23 at the historic Byham Theater in Downtown Pittsburgh, with tickets going on sale April 23.

Sign up for the TEDxPGH newsletter to be the first to know of news, updates, and discounts, including ticket sales for the event and the after party.

Bridges: Ideas that Connect the Region
May 23, 2015

Byham Theater
101 6th St
Pittsburgh, PA 15222

Stay in touch
Website: http://www.tedxpittsburgh.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TEDxPittsburgh
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TEDxPittsburgh
Instagram: https://instagram.com/tedxpittsburgh