- Image by Hryck. via Flickr
In honor of t-shirt day here is a collection of t-shirt related sites and shops. Don’t forget about the Pittsburgh t-shirt day event – Monday, June 21 3-8pm – all of the details are available here.
Be a fan of the Pittsburgh T-shirt on Facebook here – as we started talking about t-shirt day we realized there is alot of great Pittsburgh t-shirts and that we needed a place to collect all of that info. Share your favorite PGH t-shirts and check out some of the others.
Check out the T-shirt Project – @MrDestructicity is wearing and documenting his t-shirt collection on Flickr. He lives in Pittsburgh and has some great Pittsburgh t-shirts too. And our favorite Pittsburgh sports blog, PSAMP (Pittsburgh Sports and Mini Ponies) runs an occasional series titled “Great Moments In Unlicensed Pittsburgh Sports Merch” that often features an amazing t-shirt like this incedibly confusing steelers shirt .
Here is a sampling of some other great Pittsburgh t-shirts …
Neighbor Teaze – has lots of Pittsburgh love – check out this t-shirt “Pittsburgh, 446 Bridges, 3 Rivers and 1 Dahntahn Since 1758” and there are many others for specific Pittsburgh neighborhoods.
Wear Pittsburgh has lots of great Pittsburgh t-shirts. Check out their newest t-shirt in honor of Pittsburgh blogger and do gooder Secret Agent L.
The Campfire Goods folks are often traveling the country selling their awesome t-shirt designs. One of the campfire guys hails from the burgh. Check out this t-shirt which is a nod to the way we do things here in western PA.
Garbella is a member of the Pittsburgh Craft Collective and has been screenprinting t-shirts, totes and more. You can find Garbella items online, at local craft shows and I think at Wildcard in Lawrenceville.
The Cotton Factory has been printing hilarious t-shirts and some great Pittsburgh t-shirts for years. They have recently started doing some events as part of first fridays on Penn Ave where you can get exclusive t-shirt designs.

9 responses to “Talking T-shirts – A Sampling of PGH T-shirts for T-shirt Day”
Stephanie – check first – I think they are closed on monday.
Excellent post:)
I heading to Wildcard (in Lower Lawrenceville) to pick up my fav: “I get my pierogies from a catholic church in Pgh'
Eee… super excited for tonight's festivities!
Yep… just figured that out a few minutes ago myself… bummer. Looking for any other place locally that sells that tee. Otherwise, I'll make it myself with a credit to Campfire referring folks there to purchase one:)
Crisis averted… I just called the guys at Commonwealth Press (site of tonight's demo) and they have a ton of shirts here: https://www.compressmerch.com/merch/Scripts/def…
I found my new fav, Blitz, which I will be purchasing over lunch today:)
Excellent post:)
My fav: “I get my pierogies from a church in Pgh’
I just discovered your aforementioned campfire guy is the creator of said tee — available locally at Wildard
Eee… super excited for tonight’s festivities!
Stephanie – check first – I think they are closed on monday.
Yep… just figured that out a few minutes ago myself… bummer. Looking for any other place locally that sells that tee. Otherwise, I’ll make it myself with a credit to Campfire referring folks there to purchase one:)
Crisis averted… I just called the guys at Commonwealth Press who are super cool (site of tonight’s t-shirt day demo) and they have a ton of shirts here: https://www.compressmerch.com/merch/Scripts/def…
I found my new fav, Blitz, which I will be purchasing over lunch today:)
Crisis averted… I just called the guys at Commonwealth Press who are super cool (site of tonight’s t-shirt day demo) and they have a ton of shirts here: https://www.compressmerch.com/merch/Scripts/def…I found my new fav, Blitz, which I will be purchasing over lunch today:)https://www.compressmerch.com/merch/Scripts/pro…