Tag: Waffle Shop

  • Ways to Enjoy Winter this Weekend (Radio Round Up)

    Ways to Enjoy Winter this Weekend (Radio Round Up)

    Well, the  snow has finally arrived in Pittsburgh! Here is a round up of the events we shared on the DVE morning show today.  And don’t forget the Snow Shovel Riding Championships we talked about last week were rescheduled for Sat. Jan 21.

    Seth Meyers @ The Byham

    • Friday, January 20, 2012, 8pm @ The Byham
    • Saturday, January 21, 2012 @Consol Energy Center
    • Free admission and parking
    • First game starts at 2pm
    • Corportate hockey teams will compete to raise money for Pittsburgh Penguins Foundation and the United Way
    • 21st Annual Festival
    • Sat & Sun @ the Ligonier Diamond
    • Food, kids activities, sidewalks sales and more
    • 6 carvers will create, 40+ sculptures
    Selwyn traces its origins to nearby Kiandra, w...
    Image via Wikipedia
    Fun in the Snow
    • Venture Outdoors has snowshoe events and hikes for all ages and abilities – check out their calender here (sign up by 5pm Fri.)
    • Moraine Winterfest – Chili Cook Off, Hikes, Snow shoeing and more
    • Lots of great deals on meals in Pittsburgh
    • Specials include tasting menus for $20-$30/person
    • now featuring pie on Friday and Saturday Nights
    • Waffle Brunch on Sat and Sun mornings
    • Project is an actual waffle shop run by Carnegie Mellon students at the corner of Baum and Highland in East Liberty
    • Sunday, January 22, 2012
    • 6-8pm @ tHe Brew House
    • $10 gets you a bowl of soup, some bread and a ballot
    • The audience votes for their favorite project and the winning project receives the funds collected at the door from that evening.
    • Facebook Event – http://www.facebook.com/events/345127508832468/
  • The Food Network Stops at The Waffle Shop TONIGHT!

    The Food Network Stops at The Waffle Shop TONIGHT!

    Food Network's Logo used from 2000 - 2005
    Image via Wikipedia

    Worlds Weirdest Restaurants, a new show that is being taped for the Food Network Canada, will be at the Waffle Shop tonight (Friday, June 10, 2011) from 10pm-3am.  The public is invited to stop by for waffles and to watch the show.  Can’t make it East Liberty – as always you can watch the Waffle Shop streaming live at WaffleShop.org.

    Worlds Weirdest Restaurants will be hosted by Bob Blumer – he currently hosts the show Glutton for Punishment.

    WWR’s host Bob Blumer will spend the evening cooking, serving, and participating in a packed night of interactive talk shows. The general public is encouraged to come by, dine, and take part!

    The evening’s line up will feature local artist’s talk shows designed to instigate intrigue and spur interaction. In addition to waffle cuisine there will be a variety of live interactive shows including Dave English passing his torch as the host of “The Unemployment Show”, T. Foley performing a talk show hosted by a ventriloquist dummy who’s reticent to perform in public, Terry Boyd’s “Anonymous Costumed Guest Hour” as well as cameos from other local favorites.

    What is the Waffle Shop? Do they really serve waffles?

    From the Waffle Shop website:

    The Waffle Shop is a neighborhood restaurant that produces and broadcasts a live-streaming talk show with its customers, operates a changeable storytelling billboard on its roof, and runs a take-out window that sells food from countries engaged in conflict with the U.S. The shop is a public lab that brings together people from all walks of life to engage in dialogue, experimentation and the co-production of culture. The project functions as a classroom for students from Carnegie Mellon University, an eatery, a TV production studio, a social catalyst, and a business. Our customers are our funders, audience, and participants as we film during open hours, inviting interested patrons to express their unique opinions and personalities.

    The Waffle Shop is supported by the School of Art at Carnegie Mellon University, The Center for the Arts In Society, East Liberty Development Inc, We Do Property, Sota Construction Services, the Sprout Fund, Whole Foods, and the sale of waffles.

  • Pittsburgh is Art Day of Giving – Vote for Your Favorite Arts Organization

    Last fall we posted about the Pittsburgh Foundation Day of Giving.  This is where the Pittsburgh Foundation put up $500,000 in matching funds to go to the organizations that received donations on the day of giving.

    We had a great response to our poll on which organization to support and donated money to Bike Pittsburgh.  Wednesday, May 11, 2011 is the Pittsburgh is Art Day of Giving – $475,000 in matching funds will go to local arts organizations.

    Here is the find print on the Pittsburgh Is Art Day of Giving:

    You may begin making contributions, through www.pittsburghgives.org on May 11, 2011 at 12:00 a.m. EST.

    You may give up to $10,000 per individual organization.  $15 is the minimum gift per organization.

    Visa and Mastercard credit card contributions are the only types of gifts accepted for this challenge.  The credit card processor charges a 2.9% fee per transaction.  The Pittsburgh Foundation does not receive any fees.

    The matching pool is pro-rated so that all organizations that receive contributions during the event get a share of the pool.  For example, if, at the end of the day, $1 million is raised against a $475,000 pool, the match will be .47 on the dollar.  This is not a $1-to-$1 match.  The exact match percentage will be released when the event is closed and reconciled.

    Here are some awesome Pittsburgh organizations you might want to consider supporting on Wednesday, May 11, 2011.

    • The Waffle Shop/Conflict Kitchen (make sure to click this link and follow their instructions) – Both the Waffle Shop and Conflict Kitchen  have been a great addition to East Liberty – part waffle shop, part internet talk show – this is a great space where anyone from highschool students to Carnegie Mellon Professors can be found snacking on waffles.  Conflict Kitchen has received press coverage from around the globe.
    • Steeltown Entertainment Project – I had the good fortune to check out the directors pitch session for this years Steeltown Film Factory competition.  The Steeltown Entertainment Project is one of the most interesting things I have attended this year – it is also exciting to see a project that is working to connect Pittsburghers in Hollywood to up and coming filmmakers in Pittsburgh.
    • The Studio for Creative Inquiry at CMU (again, follow the instructions you need to note the Studio in the memo section) – this is an awesome place – run by Golan Levin – who has continued to produce great projects here in Pittsburgh and beyond and who often calls me to brainstorm ways that we can promote perogis.  The Studio for Creative Inquiry is also working on the super cool High Point Park project – you can learn more about that here.
    • Society to Preserve the Millvale Murals of Maxo Vanka – these murals are maybe one of the most amazing historical artifacts in Pittsburgh.  Amazing murals with historical and cultural significance on the walls of a church.  This organization is definitely worthy of your contribution.

    Who should we support?

    As with the previous Day of Giving – IheartPGH will make a $50 contribution to the organization that recieves the most votes by 4pm – Wednesday, May 11, 2011.

    [polldaddy poll=”5036096″]

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  • So you have always wanted to open a cafe?

    Maybe you are sitting at your desk right now – reading IheartPGH and other hilarious blogs – just trying to make it to 5pm.  You have dreams of opening your own cafe – spending your days brewing coffee and talking to regular customers.  Well here are 2 opportunities here in Pittsburgh that might just be the ticket to your own cafe with the support of some great Pittsburgh community organizations.

    The Union Project
    Image by 18brumaire via Flickr

    Open Your Own Business – First up, the Union Project is accepting proposals for their cafe space.  If you are a long time reader of this blog you know that I am a huge fan of the Union Project and was a frequent visitor of their cafe.  For a variety of reasons the cafe at the Union Project has been closed for the past year.  Now the Union Project is accepting proposals for a new tenant to run the cafe space.  The Union Project, located at the corner of Stanton and Negley Ave in East Liberty, is a former church that has been transformed into a community center.  The church offices have been rented out to other businesses and artists, the former sanctuary is a large event space available for rentals and the basement is a ceramics studio that offers classes and open studio hours. (more…)

  • Blogs, Talk Show and Waffles – Saturday, Oct. 24

    UPDATE SAT 10/24:

    We have a great line up of Guests and hilarious blog posts for this eve. Click here for a sneak peek.

    We will also have some trivia questions and fantastic prizes!

    Join us live in Pittsburgh or streaming online at www.waffleshop.org – we will be taking questions via skype and twitter too!

    We now have an official hash tag #blogtalk (Thanks to our guest Nick for the hash tag idea)

    The Blog Show – Tomorrow, Saturday, October 24, 2009 at 11pm IheartPGH

    will be hosting a trial run of our first ever talk show at the Waffle Shop.

    What is the Waffle Shop

    The Waffle Shop is an experiemental art project started last year by a class at Carnegie Mellon University. The Waffle Shop is located at the corner of Baum Blvd and Highland Ave in East Liberty or you can watch online at WaffleShop.org. Yes, the waffle shop serves waffles and some other tasty treats as a way to bring the audience in the door. The Waffle Shop stage hosts a number of different performances from musicians to competitions to weekly talk shows.

    Blog Talk Show

    This week IheartPGH will host a talk show about blogs and blogging. We have some local bloggers lined up as guest and we would love to conenct to bloggers beyond Pittsburgh too. Through the magic of the Internets even if you aren’t in Pittsburgh you can still watch the show and even participate too.

    Have a Blog? Be Our Guest

    Do you have a blog? Would you like to talk about your blog? Then you should be a guest on the show. Email iheartpgh@gmail.com if you are interested in being a guest this week or on a future show. Not in Pittsburgh, not a problem. We can add you in a virtual guest.

    This Weeks Show

    We are still finalizing the details and guest lists but look for some sports blog talk from TheSteelerN’at Blog and some serious fashion advice from Pittsburgh authore Suzanne Mauro.


    Be Part of the Studio Audience & Eat Waffles

    As I have mentioned before the WAffle Shop serves waffles so if you would like to be part of our live studio audience or you would like to eat some waffles and be a warm body in the room – head on down to the Waffle Shop on Sat night. The Waffle Shop is a cash only establishment.

    Let us know you are coming on Facebook here.

    One More Thing…Funny Blog Posts Please

    One of the topics I hope to cover this week is a look at some funny blog posts – if you have seen a blog post that has made you laugh so hard you cried please share the link below.

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