Since tomorrow is the first Friday of the month – it is First Friday’s on Penn Avenue – where business and galleries stay open late and have special programs for the evening.
This Friday is also the Geek Arts/Green Innovators (GA/GI) Festival. One of the great things about Pittsburgh, and I feel like I say this often, but it is true and worth repeating is how different communities come together to create innovation. GA/GI celebrates the intersection of geek and green in the arts.
The organizers of the festival have assembled an impressive line up of people and organizations doing impressive things in the areas of technology and the enviroment in Pittsburgh. See the entire line up below. If you are not familiar with the Penn Avenue Arts coridor – start at the Pittsburgh Glass Center at 5471 Penn Ave and go from there. The Glass Center always has interesting demos on first Fridays and a number of the GA/GI events will be there.
A few things that are definitly worth a stop:
- Voluto Coffee – we <3 Voluto and they know coffee
- Grow Pittsburgh – Twilight Farmer’s Market
- Friends of the Pittsburgh Urban Forest – Art Display by John Metzler
- The Power Flower by Art Energy Design,
- CMU ChargeCar
- Check out the PopCity article about ChargeCar here.
But honestly – all of these are great organizations and it is nice that they have lined up so many great organizations and activities in one place.
GA/GI Festival Details
5472 Penn Ave,Pittsburgh, PA, 15224
April, 2, 2010, 5:00 pm – 11:00 pm
Festival location within 4800-5500 Penn Avenue…OR start at 5472 Penn Avenue–The Pigh Glass Center!
CLUSTER 1 (near Pittsburgh Glass Center 5472 Penn Avenue)
Pittsburgh Glass Center
A “Hot Jam” in the Hot Shop;
Exhibit: “From the Earth to the Fire and Back”;
Live Entertainment: Life In Balance,
The Rusty Bagpiper, DJ Stevey B of iParty Productions,
Cello Fury (Formerly Cello Fourte) and a Fashion Show “Pedal to the Metal” with DJ James Gyre @ 9:30 pm
Enjoy a light nosh and wine made in Lawwrenceville–with Duane Rieder of Engine House 25!
@Glass Lofts “Eco Living” – NOW OPEN! Pittsburgh’s hottest, address, view a show space by Emphasis Interiors and a variety of art exhibitions: the Society of Sculptors, celebrating their 75th Birthday. Featured Artists: W. Johansen, V. LaValle,
A. Almarza, J. Fisher, A. Azoury, E. Singer, M. Gregio, Carnegie Mellon Entertainment Center Global, and Pittsburgh Filmmakers.
@ Dance Alloy Peformance @ 7 pm 5530 Penn Ave “Tap Into the Possibilites” (cost $7 admission)
Voluto Coffee hosting artist R. Snow” Open Until 10 pm
A Glass Clearnce by Shermise hosting an intallation by Evolve Architechs “Fast Forward to 2020” (Also showing in Cluster D)
Edge Studios “Exquiste Corps” @ 5411 Penn Ave.
Creative Fitness /Go work out a sweat free for 20 minutes @ 5406 Penn Ave
CLUSTER 2 ( near Quiet Storm 5430 Penn Avc)
Grow Pittsburgh “Twilight Farmer’s Market
Friends of the Pittsburgh Urban Forest Art Display by John Metzler
Turner Dairy Farm
Garfield Farm and Friends
Student Conservation Association
Sprout Fund GA/GI Showcase: Replay My Play and The Hill District Green Print Plan
Quiet Storm Cafe /Benefit Dinner for Grow Pittsburgh (Reservations preferred)
CLUSTER 3 (Family Dollar Sector /Intersection of N. Pacific Ave and Penn to 113 S. Pacific)–Great Family Venue!!!
The Power Flower by Art Energy Design, ZipCar, CTSI Science Mobile Lab, CMU ChargeCar, Verizon Fios, (Hula)Hoop Union, The Pittsburgh Chess Club, EcoCents, Allegheny County Library Association “One Book”, Pittsburgh Technology Council, Global Links, Creative Reuse hands-on activities; Save the Igloo, Yellow Black and Green Pittsburgh, Green Gear Pedicabs; The Trash Fairy–a salvage art storyteller, and others!
CLUSTER 4 (Penn Avene and Winebiddle sector)
Awesome Books–Book Release Party for C. Leach and E.McNutt
Laura McLaughin–Community mosaic project
ARTica Gallery w J. Vachon Salvage Quilt Project and C. Dregalla, artist
Irma Freeman Center–“Anitquated & Future or Imaginary Technology
Ian Ingram @ All God’s Creatures Grooming (see window)
Image Box–featuring exhibit “Green, Green Grass” by J. Visnesky
Most Wanted Fine Art–J. Lysak and the Edinboro University Print Shop
Mixed Media Terrariums by S. Wojdylak
Mondern Formations / Annual Spring Salon and guest Electric Owl
International Children’s Museum / Mandala art work
Space Robots and Other Creations
R. J. Walters Law Office “Tango” demo
5000 Penn Ave and Gross Street Exhibitions by P. Villalobos Echeverria
Tweek clothing/ 10% for College Students on entire shop
B. Ziller’s Beautification Project–Paint colorful boards for abandoned RE