• Inline Skating Is Still Cool

    I am one of a handful of Pittsburghers that still breaks out her rollerblades on a regular basis – they usually are in the truck on my car so on a nice day I can stop at the Jail Trail on my way home.

    I know there are a number of people out there that thin rollerblading is very 1989 because they make fun of me anytime they hear that I like to skate. Oh well, too bad for them. If you aren’t a pro on 8 wheels yet, that is okay.

    Venture Outdoors is offering an intro to Inline Skating course on Sunday May 4, 2008 on the Jail Trail (also know as the Eliza Furnace Trail). I am including the details below.

    If you are already a skating pro and want to meet others in Pittsburgh – check out TRIC – Three Rivers Inline Club. I like their slogan – “We skate everything but the rivers” – an they skate everything. I attended the beginner skate a few years ago and was out skated by everyone. TRIC leads weekly skates around city neighborhoods complete with safety patrol to keep the skaters safe from cars. More info available at SkatePittsburgh.com.

    Intro to In-line Skating
    Put your legs to the test with this fun introduction to in-line skating sponsored by The Three Rivers In-line Club and the Pittsburgh Chapter of the National Skate Patrol. We’re going to skate at an easy pace along the Eliza Furnace Trail learning to glide, stride, scissor and brake from trained, skilled members of the National Skate Patrol.
    Location: Eliza Furnace Trail
    Time: 11:30 AM – 1:00 PM
    Cost: $5.00 member/$10.00 non-member
    Organization: Venture Outdoors