One of my favorite places in Pittsburgh, that I am surprised that more people don’t know about, is TechShop Pittsburgh. Hack Pittsburgh created Pittsburgh’s first maker space back in 2009, and continues to offer programming and events for Pittsburgh makers today. When TechShop Pittsburgh opened two years ago, it provided more opportunities for Pittsburghers to collaborate and innovate.
TechShop is community makerspace. TechShop is kind of like a gym, but for making things instead of working out. For a monthly fee, members can come to the shop and use any of the equipment. TechShop has a woodshop, metal shop, 3d printers, laser cutters, sewing machines, conference rooms and much more that is available to members.

President Obama at TechShop Pittsburgh. Official White House Photo by Chuck Kennedy.
The TechShop community and the maker community has continued to grow here in Pittsburgh and beyond. Last summer President Obama hosted an event on manufacturing and innovation at TechShop Pittsburgh. You can read more about the event and watch the president’s remarks on the White House blog here.
Before TechShop opened in 2013, I wrote this post about why it is a big deal that TechShop opened in Pittsburgh. Since TechShop opened, I have worked there, taken classes, participated in events and I occasionally help TechShop Pittsburgh with social media. TechShop has provided a home, meeting space and launch pad for some incredibly innovative ideas. If you haven’t been over to Bakery Square yet to check out the shop, take a class or attend an event, here are a few good reasons to check out what TechShop is all about…
TechShop Turns 2! Anniversary Open House on Sunday 3/29
Help TechShop Pittsburgh celebrate their 2nd birthday with a free afternoon of family friendly events. The open house is free to attend and will feature demos, hands on activities and birthday cake. Tickets are free, please RSVP here.
- TechShop Pittsburgh Anniversary Open House
- Sunday, March 29, 2015
- 1-4pm
Support Matt’s Millennial Trains Project Trip and Get a Month of Membership to TechShop Pittsburgh
Matt Verlinich is the general manager of TechShop Pittsburgh (he is also the guy on the left in the photo with President Obama above) and he is raising funds to participate in the next Millennial Trains project trip this spring.
I hope you will consider supporting Matt’s MTP Project and he has put together some great perks for your support including a discounted month of membership to TechShop Pittsburgh, a VIP tour of the shop and even an entire day of help from Matt at the shop.
Check out Matt’s application for the 2015 Millennial Trains Project here. Thanks to the generosity of many of the IheartPGH readers I was able to be a passenger on the first Millennial Trains Project trip in 2013. One of my takeaways from participating in Millennial Trains Project trip is that we need more Pittsburghers to go out and talk about this city with other young leaders from around the country. You can read more about my Millennial Trains Project experience here. I hope you will consider supporting Matt’s MTP project and help to send another Pittsburgher out to tell others about all of the great things that are happening in our fine city.
Upcoming MeetUps at TechShop Pittsburgh
Another great way to check out the shop and meet some fellow makers is to attend one of the many monthly meet ups that take place at TechShop Pittsburgh.
- Ham Radio MeetUp – Wednesday, April 1 and the 1st Monday of every month
- Jewelry Markers MeetUp – Monday, April 6
- Microcontroller MeetUp – Wednesday, April 15 and the 3rd Wednesday of every month
Connect to TechShop Pittsburgh
- Check out the TechShop Pittsburgh class calendar
- Like TechShop Pittsburgh on Facebook
- Follow @TechShopPGH on Twitter and Instagram
Recent Press about TechShop
- How A Product Honed At TechShop Went On To Save The Lives Of 87,000 Babies (
- Nonstop TechShop: Soon Members Will Have 24/7 Access (
- TechShop to show off its power tools at benefit (
- Get That Life: How I Started a Multimillion-Dollar DIY Company (
- Personal Fabrication Machines Make “Homemade” Digitally (