Tag: silent auction

  • Looking for Auction Items for the Union Project Annual Holiday Fundraiser

    Union ProjectImage via WikipediaSo today seems to be a day of blogging about business. I did some reading about business books this morning so I guess business is on the brain.

    One of the places in Pittsburgh that I think is pretty special and that you have seen me write about often is the Union Project in East Liberty/Highland Park. One of the reasons to love Pittsburgh is the great neighborhoods and the sense of community that pulses through this city. The Union Project is a community center that works on a number of different levels to create and support the community around it. I honestly didn’t know that we needed a community center on the corner of Stanton and Negley Avenues, but now I am not sure what we would do with out it. In addition rehabilitating a beautiful historic structure to a functional space for a coffee shop, meeting space, office space and a great hall; the Union Project has worked to provide many resources to the community around it. I am most impressed with the Youth Barista Training Program that works to provide intensive job training for at-risk youth.

    Saturday November 22, 2008 is the Union Project’s Annual Fundraiser and Auction – Unwrapped. The Union Project is looking for donations for the auction. If you are a business owner or know a business owner who would be willing to donate something – to the auction please let me know info-at-IheartPGH.com. This is a great way to support the Union Project and to get your businesses name in front of an audience of community minded people. No donation is too small, last year they combined smaller donations into some great gift baskets that were a big hit with the bidders.

    Some of the groups sponsoring the event include:

    This is going to be a great event, for a great cause. I hope you will consider attending on November 22.

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